Our database now contains whois records of 578 Million (578,413,628) domain names.
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Whois API / Whois History / Reverse Whois

Our WHOIS API returns consistent and well-structured WHOIS data in XML & JSON format. Returned data contain parsed WHOIS fields that can be easily understood by your application. Along with WHOIS API, we also offer WHOIS History API and Reverse WHOIS API.

Powered by Amazon Web Services With support for 1573 TLDs, our cloud-based API lets you quickly access any domain's WHOIS data through Bulk Whois Lookup, Newly Registered Domains, Dropped Deleted Domains, Expiring Domains and Whois Database Download.
Our Services Price Order
1000 WHOIS Lookup API Queries $2 Details
1000 WHOIS History API Queries $5 Details
1000 Reverse WHOIS API Queries $10 Details
Newly Registered Domains Database $495 Details
Whois Database [578 Million Domains] $10,000 Details

Whois Database Download

We provide download of our entire WHOIS database in CSV format. You will receive WHOIS record of all the domain names we have ever monitored.
Each record will contain all parsed fields of the domain's WHOIS information. For reference, you may download a sample of our Complete Whois Database.

Full Whois Database Total Domains Whois Records Price Purchase
Complete Whois Database  [All whois records we have of 578 Million domain names] 578,413,628 1,748,543,569 $10,000 Order Now
Complete Whois Database - Daily Updates for 1 Year  [Total 365 updates; One database update will be sent every Day] $4,500 Order Now
Complete Whois Database - Weekly Updates for 1 Year  [Total 52 updates; One database update will be sent every Week] $3,000 Order Now
Complete Whois Database - Monthly Updates for 1 Year  [Total 12 updates; One database update will be sent every Month] $1,500 Order Now

If you need regular updates to our Complete Whois Database:

- Daily Updates [Total 365 updates, Once every Day] = $4500 for 1 Year
- Weekly Updates [Total 52 updates, Once every Week] = $3000 for 1 Year
- Monthly Updates [Total 12 updates, Once every Month] = $1500 for 1 Year

This would give you complete coverage to all WHOIS records we track for next 1 year.

Country Specific Whois Database  [ Full List ] Total Domains Price Purchase
United States  [Whois data of 231 Million domains registered from United States]231,993,433$6,250Order Now
China  [Whois data of 84.5 Million domains registered from China]84,595,316$2,500Order Now
Canada  [Whois data of 40.3 Million domains registered from Canada]40,335,908$1,500Order Now
Iceland  [Whois data of 29.4 Million domains registered from Iceland]29,497,348$1,000Order Now
United Kingdom  [Whois data of 26.1 Million domains registered from United Kingdom]26,166,861$1,000Order Now
Panama  [Whois data of 21.4 Million domains registered from Panama]21,439,179$1,000Order Now
Japan  [Whois data of 20.5 Million domains registered from Japan]20,595,121$1,000Order Now
Germany  [Whois data of 13 Million domains registered from Germany]13,053,810$750Order Now
India  [Whois data of 10.3 Million domains registered from India]10,311,794$750Order Now
France  [Whois data of 9.96 Million domains registered from France]9,965,608$500Order Now
Domain Extension Specific Whois Database  [ Full List ] Total Domains Price Purchase
.COM  [Whois data of 325 Million .COM domain names registered around the World]325,084,703$7,500Order Now
.NET  [Whois data of 31.5 Million .NET domain names registered around the World]31,570,491$1,250Order Now
.ORG  [Whois data of 21 Million .ORG domain names registered around the World]21,084,364$1,000Order Now
.XYZ  [Whois data of 18.6 Million .XYZ domain names registered around the World]18,670,270$750Order Now
.INFO  [Whois data of 14.6 Million .INFO domain names registered around the World]14,618,362$750Order Now
Domain Registrar Specific Whois Database  [ Full List ] Total Domains Price Purchase
GoDaddy.com, LLC  [Whois data of 146 Million domain names]146,884,410$4,000Order Now
NameCheap, Inc.  [Whois data of 42.5 Million domain names]42,569,697$1,500Order Now
Tucows Domains Inc.  [Whois data of 30.8 Million domain names]30,818,978$1,250Order Now
eNom, Inc.  [Whois data of 20.3 Million domain names]20,367,302$1,000Order Now
PDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com  [Whois data of 19.7 Million domain names]19,769,366$750Order Now

Free Whois Database

For testing purpose, you may download any of the following databases for FREE.

Database Name Type of Service Total Domains Size Price DOWNLOAD
Domain Names registered on April 01, 2023 Newly Registered Domains - 63 MB FREE Click Here
Domain Names deleted on April 03, 2013 Dropped Deleted Domains - 11 MB FREE Click Here
Domain Names expiring on May 05, 2023 Expiring Domain Names - 15 MB FREE Click Here
All active .MOBI domains as on October 15, 2015 Custom Whois Database 151,608 10.6 MB FREE Click Here
Domains registered from India in September 2015 Custom Whois Database 97,656 7.90 MB FREE Click Here
Bulk Whois Lookup (XML Results with Raw Whois) Bulk Whois Lookup 22,810 38.7 MB FREE Click Here
Bulk Whois Lookup (JSON Results with Raw Whois) Bulk Whois Lookup 22,882 36.6 MB FREE Click Here
Bulk Whois Lookup (CSV Results with Raw Whois) Bulk Whois Lookup 22,657 11.9 MB FREE Click Here
Bulk Whois Lookup (CSV Results without Raw Whois) Bulk Whois Lookup 22,545 2.81 MB FREE Click Here
Bulk Whois Lookup (SQL Results with Raw Whois) Bulk Whois Lookup 22,617 12.2 MB FREE Click Here

Please login to your account to download the remaining 12 free whois databases.
This is necessary to stop automated bots and web harvesters from misusing our system.

Custom Whois Database

Need a custom whois database?

If you are looking for a customized whois database, please let us know and we will arrange it for you.

Some common custom database requests:

Price of custom database starts at $2500, and will be higher depending on the database size.
Files will be delivered within 3 business days. A sample database can be provided upon request.

To request a custom database, please send your requirements to Email Address

Database Size Delivery Time Cost Price Purchase
Upto 100 Million Domain Names 1 Day $2,500 Order Now
Between 100 to 200 Million Domain Names 2 Days $5,000 Order Now
Between 200 to 300 Million Domain Names 3 Days $7,500 Order Now

For more than 300 Million domain names, it will be more economical to purchase our Complete Whois Database (578 Million domains) priced at $10,000.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Unlike other companies, we price all our WHOIS databases based on the total number of unique domain names whose WHOIS data will be present in the particular database. We also provide historical WHOIS data of domain names (where available) at no extra costs. So there can be similar WHOIS data for domain names that do not update their WHOIS information over time. For this reason, we price all our whois databases based on total unique domain names present in it. Your purchased database might contain some similar WHOIS records, but the total number of unique domains will never be less that what is mentioned.
  2. Each time a domain name's WHOIS information is fetched through our Whois Lookup API, it's record is stored into our complete whois database. Domain names that are not registered or records containing empty whois information are discarded and never enters our complete database. We only store records which contain valid whois data of the domain name.
  3. No! Our complete whois database contains only those domain names that we have monitored till now. It does NOT contain whois record of each and every domain name that has been registered on the Internet. According to the Verisign Domain Name Industry Brief, approximately 330 million domain name have been registered across the world by the first quarter of 2017. Till now we have monitored about 578 Million domain names, and these domains will be available in the complete whois database.
  4. We started recording WHOIS records since November 2012. So the earliest whois data of a domain name in our database will be from November 2012. For reference, you may check all the historical whois records of yahoo.com domain name.
  5. Whois history is currently available only for about 75% of the domain names in our complete whois database.
  6. Delivery of complete database takes about 3 business days, as it is processed manually.
    Once all the files are ready, you will receive the database download links by email.
  7. You will get ZIP files containing all the WHOIS records in CSV format.
    Please download sample file which is taken from the complete whois database.
  8. Raw Whois data is not included to keep the database size optimized.
  9. Yes, each record contains the following parsed whois information: domain_name, query_time, create_date, update_date, expiry_date, domain_registrar_id, domain_registrar_name, domain_registrar_whois, domain_registrar_url, registrant_name, registrant_company, registrant_address, registrant_city, registrant_state, registrant_zip, registrant_country, registrant_email, registrant_phone, registrant_fax, administrative_name, administrative_company, administrative_address, administrative_city, administrative_state, administrative_zip, administrative_country, administrative_email, administrative_phone, administrative_fax, technical_name, technical_company, technical_address, technical_city, technical_state, technical_zip, technical_country, technical_email, technical_phone, technical_fax, billing_name, billing_company, billing_address, billing_city, billing_state, billing_zip, billing_country, billing_email, billing_phone, billing_fax, name_server_1, name_server_2, name_server_3, name_server_4, domain_status_1, domain_status_2, domain_status_3, domain_status_4

Please contact us if you still have any questions unanswered.