Our database now contains whois records of 566 Million (566,996,263) domain names.
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Whois API / Whois History / Reverse Whois

Our WHOIS API returns consistent and well-structured WHOIS data in XML & JSON format. Returned data contain parsed WHOIS fields that can be easily understood by your application. Along with WHOIS API, we also offer WHOIS History API and Reverse WHOIS API.

Powered by Amazon Web Services With support for 1564 TLDs, our cloud-based API lets you quickly access any domain's WHOIS data through Bulk Whois Lookup, Newly Registered Domains, Dropped Deleted Domains, Expiring Domains and Whois Database Download.
Our Services Price Order
1000 WHOIS Lookup API Queries $2 Details
1000 WHOIS History API Queries $5 Details
1000 Reverse WHOIS API Queries $10 Details
Newly Registered Domains Database $495 Details
Whois Database [566 Million Domains] $10,000 Details

Bulk Whois Lookup

You can now easily fetch WHOIS record of up to 100,000 domain names using our Bulk Whois Lookup service.
Simply provide us the list of domains, and we will fetch WHOIS of every domain in your chosen format: XML / JSON / CSV / SQL

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Advantages of using Bulk Whois Lookup over Whois Lookup API

How to use bulk whois lookup service?

  1. Login to Account Manager and open the Bulk Whois Lookup page.
  2. Put the list of domain names into a plain text file, with one domain per line.
  3. On uploader page, select the file containing your domain names list to upload.
  4. Select a format in which you wish to receive the WHOIS: XML / JSON / CSV / SQL
  5. Submit the form to upload your domains list and start the bulk whois lookup process.

Once your bulk whois lookup request completes, you will receive an email with a link to download the ZIP file.
This ZIP file will contain all the requested WHOIS records in XML/JSON/CSV/SQL format, as specified by you.

Sample Domain Lists: domains.txt (Plain Text)  •  domains.zip (ZIP Archive)  •  domains.txt.gz (GNU ZIP)

Sample Results: JSON (100 Domains)  •  JSON (Without Raw Whois)  •  JSON (22,882 Domains)  /  XML (100 Domains)  •  XML (Without Raw Whois)  •  XML (22,810 Domains)  /  CSV (74 Domains)  •  CSV (Without Raw Whois)  •  CSV (22,657 Domains)  /  SQL (89 Domains)  •  SQL (Without Raw Whois)  •  SQL (22,617 Domains)

Bulk Whois Pricing

There is no extra fee for using Bulk Whois Lookup. You are charged at the same Whois Lookup API rate. Plus you get a 10% cashback too!

Bulk Whois Package Total Domains Completion Time Price CPM Purchase
1,000 Parsed Whois Records 1,000 5 minutes $2 $2.00 Order Now
10,000 Parsed Whois Records 10,000 15 minutes $20 $2.00 Order Now
50,000 Parsed Whois Records 50,000 1 hour $75 $1.50 Order Now
250,000 Parsed Whois Records 250,000 3 hours $300 $1.20 Order Now
1 Million Parsed Whois Records 1,000,000 12 hours $1,000 $1.00 Order Now
10 Million Parsed Whois Records 10,000,000 24 hours $5,000 $0.50 Order Now
25 Million Parsed Whois Records 25,000,000 48 hours $10,000 $0.40 Order Now

Completion Time mentioned above is the average time based on recently completed Bulk Whois Lookup requests.
Actual time can be lower or higher depending on the total number of outstanding bulk whois lookup requests at the time.

10% Bonus Credits for using Bulk Whois Lookup

As a bonus for using Bulk Whois Lookup, your account will be credited with 10% of total WHOIS records successful retrieved through this service.
Example: You uploaded 25,000 domain names for Bulk Whois Lookup. We managed to fetch WHOIS records of total 24,750 domain names successfully.
After delivering the files, your account is added with 250 Credits (Failed Domains) + 2,475 Credits (10% Bulk Whois Bonus) = 2,725 Whois Lookup API Credits

Lets Get Started!

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. A minimum of 10 domains are required to use Bulk Whois Lookup service.
  2. A maximum of 100,000 domain names can be uploaded at a time.
  3. Yes! As with the Whois Lookup API, you will get the Raw Whois in Bulk Whois Lookup along with the parsed WHOIS fields. Kindly download and check the sample files (JSON / XML / CSV / SQL) to get an idea of what results to expect.
  4. Your account will receive Whois Lookup API credits equivalent to total number of domains whose WHOIS could not be fetched.
  5. You will receive all the WHOIS in a ZIP file, which would contain records in XML/JSON/CSV/SQL format. Link to download the ZIP file will be sent to your email address registered with us. You can also track the progress through Account Manager.