Our database now contains whois records of 566 Million (566,996,606) domain names.
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Whois API / Whois History / Reverse Whois

Our WHOIS API returns consistent and well-structured WHOIS data in XML & JSON format. Returned data contain parsed WHOIS fields that can be easily understood by your application. Along with WHOIS API, we also offer WHOIS History API and Reverse WHOIS API.

Powered by Amazon Web Services With support for 1564 TLDs, our cloud-based API lets you quickly access any domain's WHOIS data through Bulk Whois Lookup, Newly Registered Domains, Dropped Deleted Domains, Expiring Domains and Whois Database Download.
Our Services Price Order
1000 WHOIS Lookup API Queries $2 Details
1000 WHOIS History API Queries $5 Details
1000 Reverse WHOIS API Queries $10 Details
Newly Registered Domains Database $495 Details
Whois Database [566 Million Domains] $10,000 Details

Terms of Service

By using services provided by Whoxy.com ("We"), you ("The Customer") agree to following terms and conditions:

Whoxy.com API Services

API Usage Limits

A maximum of 1000 requests per Minute is allowed to all our API services.
If you exceed this limit, your access to the API will be blocked for a total of one minute.
You may use Bulk Whois Lookup service to quickly fetch WHOIS of large number of domain names.

Whois Database Orders

You agree to following terms and conditions to purchase the above databases:

Whois Database of Newly Registered Domains

Whois Database of Recently Deleted Domains

Whois Database of Expiring Domain Names

Complete Whois Database - Daily/Weekly/Monthly Updates

Billing, Payment and Refunds

Cancellation and Termination

Changes to Terms of Service

Violation of any of the terms listed in this page will result in immediate termination of your account.