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Our WHOIS API returns consistent and well-structured WHOIS data in XML & JSON format. Returned data contain parsed WHOIS fields that can be easily understood by your application. Along with WHOIS API, we also offer WHOIS History API and Reverse WHOIS API.

Powered by Amazon Web Services With support for 1564 TLDs, our cloud-based API lets you quickly access any domain's WHOIS data through Bulk Whois Lookup, Newly Registered Domains, Dropped Deleted Domains, Expiring Domains and Whois Database Download.
Our Services Price Order
1000 WHOIS Lookup API Queries $2 Details
1000 WHOIS History API Queries $5 Details
1000 Reverse WHOIS API Queries $10 Details
Newly Registered Domains Database $495 Details
Whois Database [566 Million Domains] $10,000 Details

Keyword: NOTA

Reverse Whois » KEYWORD [nota ]  { 74,969 domain names }

NumDomain NameRegistrarCreatedUpdatedExpiry
1nota.mediaRegtime Ltd.9 Sep 201430 Jan 20249 Sep 2024
2nota.moeNamesilo, LLC19 Feb 201524 Jan 202418 Feb 2025
5nota.ru-19 May 1999-31 May 2025
6nota.coNamesilo, LLC21 Sep 201525 Jun 201720 Sep 2017
7nota.bizGoDaddy.com, LLC27 Feb 20243 Mar 202427 Feb 2025
8nota.proEpik Inc.21 Mar 201826 Nov 202321 Mar 2025
9nota.comUniregistrar Corp26 Sep 200013 Apr 202326 Sep 2030
10nota.zoneMesh Digital Limited30 Jun 201417 Jun 202430 Jun 2027
11nota.todayNameKing.com Inc.21 May 20234 Jul 202421 May 2024
12nota.emailHostinger, UAB27 Mar 20241 Apr 202427 Mar 2025
13nota.xyzWest263 International Limited12 Jun 201931 Aug 202312 Jun 2026
14nota.centerGoogle, Inc.9 Jan 202014 Jan 20209 Jan 2021
15nota.democrateNom, Inc.20 Aug 201420 Aug 201420 Aug 2015
16nota.supportGoDaddy.com, LLC5 Mar 202015 Mar 20205 Mar 2021
17nota.blackfridayUniregistrar Corp23 Sep 201423 Sep 201423 Sep 2015
18nota.redPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com20 Oct 201420 Oct 201620 Oct 2017
19nota.agencyGoDaddy.com, LLC16 Jan 20211 Mar 202416 Jan 2025
20nota.computerNameCheap, Inc.19 Nov 201925 Oct 202319 Nov 2024
21nota.websiteNameCheap, Inc.6 Nov 201719 Oct 20236 Nov 2024
22nota.helpUniregistrar Corp31 Jan 201517 Mar 201731 Jan 2018
23nota.dietNameCheap, Inc.7 Sep 202325 Sep 20237 Sep 2024
24nota.propertyUniregistrar Corp31 Jan 201517 Mar 201731 Jan 2018
25nota.hostingUniregistrar Corp31 Jan 201531 Jan 201531 Jan 2016
26nota.casa1&1 Internet AG10 Feb 201510 Feb 201510 Feb 2016
27nota.life-20 Oct 202324 May 202420 Oct 2024
28nota.graphicsGoDaddy.com, LLC22 Feb 20158 Apr 201722 Feb 2018
29nota.pressRegional Network Information Center, JSC dba RU-CE…1 Jun 20232 Jun 20241 Jun 2025
30nota.legalDynadot, LLC28 Aug 201731 Oct 202328 Aug 2024
31nota.socialGoDaddy.com, LLC30 Aug 20234 Sep 202330 Aug 2024
32nota.flowersUniregistrar Corp7 Apr 20157 Apr 20157 Apr 2016
33nota.educationGoogle, Inc.22 Aug 201918 Jun 202422 Aug 2024
34nota.wikiGoDaddy.com, LLC10 Jan 20238 Jun 202410 Jan 2025
35nota.careGoDaddy.com, LLC2 Aug 202016 Sep 20232 Aug 2024
36nota.moscowRegional Network Information Center, JSC dba RU-CE…17 May 201520 Jul 202317 May 2025
37nota.schoolNameCheap, Inc.14 Aug 202219 Aug 202214 Aug 2025
38nota.digitalGoDaddy.com, LLC10 Jun 201511 Jun 202410 Jun 2025
39nota.rocksGoDaddy.com, LLC17 Jun 201510 Jun 202417 Jun 2025
40nota.expressGoDaddy.com, LLC23 Jul 201524 Jul 202423 Jul 2027
41nota.oooPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com17 Aug 201517 Aug 201517 Aug 2016
42nota.onlineGoDaddy.com, LLC26 Aug 20156 Jun 202426 Aug 2024
43nota.newsCloudFlare, Inc.18 Oct 202323 Oct 202318 Oct 2024
44nota.voteGoDaddy.com, LLC18 Mar 202423 Mar 202418 Mar 2025
45nota.lawyereNom, Inc.19 Jan 20231 Apr 202419 Jan 2024
46nota.siteNameKing.com Inc.21 Jun 202328 Dec 202321 Jun 2024
47nota.businessNameCheap, Inc.22 Sep 202327 Sep 202322 Sep 2024
48nota.republicaneNom, Inc.15 Dec 201515 Dec 201515 Dec 2016
49nota.wangChengdu West Dimension Digital Technology Co., Ltd…11 Jan 201620 Jan 201711 Jan 2018
50nota.cloudGoDaddy.com, LLC26 Feb 20189 Jun 202426 Feb 2025
51nota.designNameCheap, Inc.5 Apr 201611 Mar 20245 Apr 2025
52nota.guruCSL Computer Service Langenbach GmbH d/b/a joker.c…19 Sep 201824 Aug 202319 Sep 2024
53nota.studioGoogle, Inc.5 Aug 20191 Jun 20245 Aug 2024
54nota.vipDynadot, LLC23 May 202323 May 202423 May 2024
55nota.photoUniregistrar Corp27 May 20167 Jul 201727 May 2017
56nota.movieGoDaddy.com, LLC17 Jun 201622 Jun 201617 Jun 2017
57nota.ninjaeNom, Inc.28 May 201418 May 202428 May 2025
58nota.photosGoDaddy.com, LLC30 Apr 20142 Jul 202430 Apr 2026
59nota.lolNameCheap, Inc.11 Sep 202225 Sep 202311 Sep 2024
60nota.inNameCheap, Inc.14 Feb 201120 Jan 202414 Feb 2025
61nota.topAlibaba Cloud Computing Ltd. d/b/a HiChina (www.ne…27 Aug 2021-27 Aug 2024
62nota.linkUniregistrar Corp15 Apr 201411 May 201615 Apr 2017
63nota.gdnIntracom Middle East FZE19 Jul 201614 Mar 201719 Jul 2018
64nota.dk-28 Jul 2004-31 Jul 2025
65nota.storeNameKing.com Inc.16 Nov 202311 Jun 202416 Nov 2024
66nota.info-14 May 202419 May 202414 May 2025
67nota.mobiPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com7 Oct 201930 Sep 20237 Oct 2024
68nota.netDomainSite, Inc.5 Aug 20029 Jul 20235 Aug 2024
69nota.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC31 Jul 199612 Aug 202330 Jul 2024
70nota.usNameCheap, Inc.23 Sep 201728 Sep 201722 Sep 2018
71nota.be-8 Jan 2008--
72nota.by-12 Jul 200712 Jan 202415 Jul 2025
73nota.ccPorkbun, LLC9 May 202021 May 20249 May 2025
74nota.de--7 Sep 2020-
76nota.frOVH sas13 Feb 200017 Jun 202417 Jun 2025
77nota.kr-6 Mar 201417 Oct 20176 Mar 2018
78nota.it-11 Apr 20005 Jan 202420 Dec 2024
79nota.meDynadot, LLC24 Apr 20188 Jun 202424 Apr 2025
80nota.co.uk-29 Sep 19992 Oct 202329 Sep 2024
82nota.nz-12 Apr 201518 Mar 2024-
83nota.liveTucows Domains Inc.1 Jun 20186 Jun 20241 Jun 2026
84nota.kimFBS Inc.1 Oct 20193 Feb 20201 Oct 2021
85nota.techRegional Network Information Center, JSC dba RU-CE…2 Mar 202331 Aug 20232 Mar 2025
86nota.worksGoDaddy.com, LLC24 Dec 20225 Mar 202424 Dec 2023
87nota.picturesNameCheap, Inc.3 Apr 20229 Mar 20243 Apr 2025
88nota.expertRegional Network Information Center, JSC dba RU-CE…12 Apr 202316 Apr 202412 Apr 2025
89nota.ltdAlibaba Cloud Computing Ltd. d/b/a HiChina (www.ne…13 Feb 201920 Dec 202313 Feb 2025
90nota.engineerGoDaddy.com, LLC3 Nov 20173 Nov 20173 Nov 2018
91nota.networkPorkbun, LLC6 Nov 202121 Dec 20236 Nov 2024
92nota.guideNameCheap, Inc.31 Dec 20235 Jan 202431 Dec 2024
93nota.org.uk-10 Jan 201911 Jan 202410 Jan 2025
94nota.dogNameCheap, Inc.4 Mar 20249 Mar 20244 Mar 2025
95nota.com.coGoDaddy.com, LLC26 Dec 20169 Jan 201825 Dec 2018
96nota.worldGoDaddy.com, LLC25 Apr 20189 Jun 202425 Apr 2025
97nota.churchGoogle, Inc.2 Nov 202018 Jun 20242 Nov 2024
98nota.restaurantTucows Domains Inc.21 Jun 201811 Jun 202421 Jun 2025
99nota.failNameCheap, Inc.26 Jun 201826 Jun 201826 Jun 2019
100nota.teamChengdu West Dimension Digital Technology Co., Ltd…27 Nov 20235 Jan 202427 Nov 2024
101nota.plusAlibaba Cloud Computing Ltd. d/b/a HiChina (www.ne…4 Apr 20225 May 20244 Apr 2024
102nota.companyGoogle, Inc.11 Jul 20192 Jul 202411 Jul 2025
103nota.kitchenNameCheap, Inc.17 Jul 201917 Jul 202017 Jul 2021
104nota.chatChengdu West Dimension Digital Technology Co., Ltd…28 Jun 20243 Jul 202428 Jun 2025
105nota.marketingNameCheap, Inc.28 Aug 201930 Oct 202328 Aug 2024
106nota.fanNameCheap, Inc.19 Nov 202324 Nov 202319 Nov 2024
107nota.travelNameCheap, Inc.27 Oct 20191 Nov 201927 Oct 2020
108nota.petWild West Domains, LLC12 Dec 201910 Jun 202412 Dec 2025
109nota.toolsGandi SAS23 Dec 201924 Nov 202323 Dec 2024
110nota.scienceDomain.com, LLC7 Feb 202010 Feb 20237 Feb 2023
111nota.trainingGandi SAS17 Mar 202017 Feb 202417 Mar 2025
112nota.doctorNameKing.com Inc.27 Oct 202328 Dec 202327 Oct 2024
113nota.systemsGoDaddy.com, LLC5 Mar 202010 Mar 20205 Mar 2021
114nota.tipsGoDaddy.com, LLC5 Mar 202010 Mar 20205 Mar 2021
115nota.coachGoDaddy.com, LLC5 Mar 202010 Mar 20205 Mar 2021
116nota.technologyGoDaddy.com, LLC5 Mar 202015 Mar 20205 Mar 2021
117nota.clubGandi SAS5 Oct 202220 Dec 20235 Oct 2024
118nota.farmGoogle, Inc.20 May 20204 Jul 202420 May 2025
119nota.energyGoDaddy.com, LLC5 Mar 202015 Mar 20205 Mar 2021
120nota.galleryHosting Concepts B.V. dba Openprovider6 Jun 202027 Feb 20246 Jun 2025
121nota.coolAlibaba Cloud Computing Ltd. d/b/a HiChina (www.ne…8 Jul 20208 Jul 20208 Jul 2021
122nota.venturesGoogle, Inc.25 Nov 202125 Nov 202125 Nov 2022
123nota.solutionsGoDaddy.com, LLC5 Mar 202010 Mar 20205 Mar 2021
124nota.instituteGoogle, Inc.14 May 202328 Jun 202414 May 2025
125nota.fundGoDaddy.com, LLC9 Aug 20209 Aug 20209 Aug 2021
126nota.oneKey-Systems, LLC25 May 201729 Jun 202425 May 2024
127nota.icu-7 Jan 20227 Feb 20237 Jan 2024
128nota.hostHostinger, UAB3 Jan 20213 Jan 20213 Jan 2022
129nota.walesGoDaddy.com, LLC8 Jan 20218 Jan 20218 Jan 2022
130nota.fyiPorkbun, LLC14 Jan 202124 Feb 202414 Jan 2024
131nota.skinRegional Network Information Center, JSC dba RU-CE…23 Mar 20217 May 202423 Mar 2025
132nota.inkNameCheap, Inc.4 Aug 20239 Aug 20234 Aug 2025
133nota.groupAlibaba Cloud Computing Ltd. d/b/a HiChina (www.ne…21 May 202128 Jun 202421 May 2024
134nota.globalGoDaddy.com, LLC2 Jul 20213 Jul 20242 Jul 2025
135nota.placePorkbun, LLC2 Aug 202128 Jun 20242 Aug 2025
136nota.photographyNameCheap, Inc.5 Sep 20215 Sep 20215 Sep 2022
137nota.golfNameCheap, Inc.16 Sep 202116 Sep 202116 Sep 2022
138nota.landGoDaddy.com, LLC16 Nov 202116 Nov 202316 Nov 2024
139nota.cityGoDaddy.com, LLC23 Nov 202123 Nov 202123 Nov 2022
140nota.wtfNameCheap, Inc.5 Dec 202120 Dec 20225 Dec 2023
141nota.artGoDaddy.com, LLC12 Dec 202113 Dec 202312 Dec 2024
142nota.exchangeHosting Ukraine LLC28 Jan 20222 Feb 202228 Jan 2023
143nota.deliveryGoogle, Inc.15 Mar 202214 May 202415 Mar 2024
144nota.mbaDotname Korea Corp.21 Mar 202210 Apr 202321 Mar 2024
145nota.beautyNameCheap, Inc.9 Apr 202222 Mar 20249 Apr 2025
146nota.salonGoogle, Inc.9 Apr 202224 May 20249 Apr 2025
147nota.runOne.com A/S3 May 20223 May 20233 May 2024
148nota.spaceGandi SAS8 Oct 201715 Apr 20248 Oct 2031
149nota.bzRegional Network Information Center, JSC dba RU-CE…20 Jan 201724 Jan 202420 Jan 2025
150nota.tvGoDaddy.com, LLC3 Oct 201827 Jun 20243 Oct 2024
151nota.appNameKing.com Inc.24 Jul 202230 Jun 202424 Jul 2025
152nota.communityEuroDNS S.A.14 May 202419 May 202414 May 2025
153nota.ws1&1 Internet AG11 Apr 202211 Apr 202411 Apr 2025
154nota.fishGoogle, Inc.15 Nov 202230 Dec 202315 Nov 2024
155nota.gameKey-Systems, LLC29 Nov 202231 Aug 202329 Nov 2024
156nota.monster-17 Feb 20248 Mar 202417 Feb 2025
158nota.istanbulNics Telekomünikasyon Ticaret Ltd. Şti.15 Dec 202029 Jan 202415 Dec 2024
159nota.istAerotek Bilisim Taahut Sanayi Ve Ticaret Ltd Sti.6 May 202120 Jun 20246 May 2025
160nota.botNameCheap, Inc.24 Nov 202227 May 202424 Nov 2025
161nota.auctionOne.com A/S5 Jan 20235 Mar 20245 Jan 2024
162nota.codesGoDaddy.com, LLC10 Jan 202324 Feb 202410 Jan 2025
163nota.betOne.com A/S11 Jan 202311 Jan 202411 Jan 2025
164nota.archiName.com, Inc.11 Jul 202211 Jul 202311 Jul 2024
165nota.bikeTucows Domains Inc.21 May 202111 May 202421 May 2025
166nota.africaDiaMatrix C.C.5 Aug 202030 Jan 20245 Aug 2024
167nota.bandNameCheap, Inc.11 Aug 202111 Aug 202311 Aug 2024
168nota.bar-5 Nov 202311 Jun 20245 Nov 2024
169nota.unoHostinger, UAB22 Jan 20232 Apr 202422 Jan 2024
170nota.md-5 Dec 2019-5 Dec 2024
171nota.catGandi SAS23 Jan 20238 Mar 202423 Jan 2025
172nota.bostonDomain.com, LLC9 Apr 202230 Mar 20249 Apr 2025
173nota.com.br-26 Nov 19999 Jul 202126 Nov 2029
174nota.org.nz-7 Mar 20222 Mar 2024-
175nota.com.au--23 Feb 2023-
176nota.pl-27 Mar 200121 Mar 202426 Mar 2025
177nota.ca-10 May 20148 Apr 202410 May 2025
178nota.sa.comNameKing.com Inc.4 Apr 202220 Apr 20224 Apr 2024
179nota.cafeNameCheap, Inc.7 Oct 202111 Oct 20237 Oct 2024
180nota.cashGoDaddy.com, LLC5 May 202216 Jun 20235 May 2023
181nota.casinoNameCheap, Inc.27 Mar 20227 Jun 202427 Mar 2024
182nota.cl-9 Jun 2008-8 Jul 2025
183nota.videoHosting Ukraine LLC18 Jun 202118 Jun 202418 Jun 2025
184nota.academyRegional Network Information Center, JSC dba RU-CE…13 Mar 202317 Mar 202413 Mar 2025
185nota.shPorkbun, LLC28 Aug 20227 Nov 202328 Aug 2023
187nota.nycGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Apr 202216 May 20234 Apr 2023
188nota.llcGoogle, Inc.18 Mar 20227 May 202418 Mar 2025
189nota.devunited-domains AG2 May 202116 Jun 20242 May 2025
190nota.fitGoDaddy.com, LLC26 Apr 201929 Jun 202426 Apr 2025
191nota.funLimited Liability Company "Registrar of domain nam…29 Nov 202229 Nov 202329 Nov 2027
192nota.horsePorkbun, LLC11 Feb 201916 Dec 202311 Feb 2025
193nota.ieProtocol Internet Technology Limited T/A Hosting I…19 Aug 20071 Oct 202320 Aug 2024
194nota.ioPorkbun, LLC11 Aug 201310 Mar 202411 Aug 2024
195nota.jp-24 Dec 20031 Jan 202431 Dec 2024
196nota.nl-10 Jan 200014 Dec 2023-
197nota.com.pl-18 Nov 19998 Nov 202317 Nov 2024
198nota.net.pl-28 Oct 20168 Jul 202228 Oct 2025
199nota.pwAutomattic Inc.17 Jul 202213 Sep 202317 Jul 2033
200nota.softwareGoogle, Inc.18 Apr 201813 Jun 202418 Apr 2033
201nota.streamPorkbun, LLC2 May 202012 Oct 20222 May 2030
202nota.ro-18 Feb 2023-17 May 2025
203nota.buildersTucows Domains Inc.18 May 202322 May 202418 May 2025
204nota.gayPorkbun, LLC18 May 202329 Jun 202418 May 2024
205nota.gamesGoDaddy.com, LLC22 May 202316 Jul 202422 May 2025
206nota.lt-28 Jun 2024-29 Jun 2025
207nota.campPorkbun, LLC4 Jun 202315 Jun 20244 Jun 2025
208nota.workAlibaba Cloud Computing Ltd. d/b/a HiChina (www.ne…13 Feb 201920 Dec 202313 Feb 2025
209nota.la-30 Oct 20137 Jun 202430 Oct 2024
210nota.pubPorkbun, LLC19 Jun 20231 Jul 202419 Jun 2025
211nota.au--3 Jun 2024-
212nota.bioNameKing.com Inc.21 Jun 202323 Jun 202421 Jun 2024
213nota.telRegional Network Information Center, JSC dba RU-CE…5 Jul 20234 Jul 20245 Jul 2025
214nota.marketRegional Network Information Center, JSC dba RU-CE…5 Jul 20234 Jul 20245 Jul 2025
215nota.watchRegional Network Information Center, JSC dba RU-CE…5 Jul 20234 Jul 20245 Jul 2025
216nota.net.inGoDaddy.com, LLC2 Jul 202315 Jul 20242 Jul 2024
217nota.qa--6 Aug 2023-
218nota.biz.pl-27 May 20047 May 202427 May 2025
219nota.estateLimited Liability Company "Registrar of domain nam…16 Aug 202321 Aug 202316 Aug 2024
220nota.foundationNameCheap, Inc.29 Sep 20234 Oct 202329 Sep 2024
221nota.menuTucows Domains Inc.5 Dec 202310 Dec 20235 Dec 2024
222nota.servicesGoDaddy.com, LLC6 Apr 202411 Apr 20246 Apr 2025
223nota.cn-28 May 2005-28 Jun 2025
224nota.uk-4 Jul 20193 Jul 20244 Jul 2025
225nota.shopGoDaddy.com, LLC28 Oct 202019 Jun 202428 Oct 2024
226nota.su-2 Jun 2009-2 Jun 2025
227nota.sk-14 Nov 200410 Nov 202314 Nov 2024
228nota.coffeeNameCheap, Inc.26 May 202431 May 202426 May 2025
229nota.goldNamesilo, LLC31 May 202431 May 202431 May 2025
230nota.ovhOVH sas19 Jun 202419 Jun 202419 Jun 2026
231notaxproblem.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com14 May 20208 May 202114 May 2025
233notanotherbill.comWebfusion Ltd.19 Oct 201023 Oct 202319 Oct 2033
234notarytools.netNetTuner Corp. dba Webmasters.com3 Dec 20047 Nov 20113 Dec 2012
235notaes.netDynadot, LLC23 Jan 201221 Jan 202423 Jan 2025
236notarypublicstamps.comNetwork Solutions, LLC14 Jan 200217 Feb 202014 Jan 2027
237notasdeaula.orgPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com17 Apr 200931 Mar 202417 Apr 2025
239notasverdes.comAcens Technologies, S.L.U.30 Mar 20073 Apr 201730 Mar 2018
240notational.netGandi SAS3 Mar 200621 Feb 20243 Mar 2028
241notafanatic.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com13 Jun 201815 Jul 202413 Jun 2024
242notaires59-62.comInternet Domain Services BS Corp21 May 201319 May 202421 May 2025
243notaryrotary.comNameCheap, Inc.20 Jun 200124 Mar 202020 Jun 2029
244notasdefutbol.comSoluciones Corporativas IP, SLU5 Apr 20052 Apr 20245 Apr 2027
245notasimusik.comDropCatch.com 978 LLC14 Dec 202315 Dec 202314 Dec 2024
246notamused.netBeijing Lanhai Jiye Technology Co., Ltd11 Jun 202212 Jun 202311 Jun 2024
247notariat-tineretului.netNameCheap, Inc.1 Feb 201026 Jan 20241 Feb 2025
248notavel.netCloudFlare, Inc.2 Apr 20141 Apr 20242 Apr 2025
249notaion.comOVH sas7 Jun 201126 Jun 20247 Jun 2025
250notation.com1API GmbH18 Aug 19965 Dec 202317 Aug 2024
251notable-quotes.comTucows Domains Inc.26 Aug 200511 Aug 202326 Aug 2024
252notapositiva.comeNom, Inc.7 Nov 200410 Apr 20247 Nov 2024
253notariato.it-19 Jun 199617 Sep 20231 Sep 2024
254notabom.comBeijing Innovative Linkage Technology Ltd. dba dns…4 Jan 20158 Jan 20164 Jan 2017
255notas56.comeNom, Inc.30 Oct 201230 Oct 201230 Oct 2013
256notabadname.org.uk-21 Apr 20116 Apr 201721 Apr 2019
257notariosyregistradores.comArsys Internet, S.L. dba NICLINE.COM22 Feb 200119 Feb 202322 Feb 2025
258notalent.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC5 Jan 201018 Jul 20235 Jan 2025
259notaperfectmomsblog.comGoDaddy.com, LLC13 Jun 202114 Jun 202413 Jun 2025
260notarios.com.mx-16 Feb 199916 Nov 201215 Feb 2018
261notarybids.comGoDaddy.com, LLC17 Feb 202329 Feb 202417 Feb 2025
262notasdelprogramador.comGoDaddy.com, LLC9 Feb 202414 Feb 20249 Feb 2025
263notasound.netNameCheap, Inc.19 Sep 202325 Sep 202319 Sep 2024
264notatree.infoName.com, Inc.18 Jul 201227 Jun 201718 Jul 2018
265notai.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC7 Apr 200029 Mar 20247 Apr 2025
266notaires.fr-31 Dec 199430 Nov 202313 Oct 2024
267notanshop.comThirdFloorDNS.com LLC13 Mar 202413 Mar 202413 Mar 2025
268notar-scholz-stuttgart.de--17 Apr 2018-
269notas-flauta.comMat Bao Trading & Service Company Limited d/b/a Ma…1 Jun 20221 Jun 20241 Jun 2025
270notasprensa.infoGMO Internet Inc.31 Mar 20245 Apr 202431 Mar 2025
271notasupermom.comTucows Domains Inc.24 Sep 20101 Sep 202324 Sep 2024
272notamusic.netGoDaddy.com, LLC1 Nov 202013 Jan 20241 Nov 2023
273notarybonding.comNetwork Solutions, LLC8 Jan 200225 Apr 20188 Jan 2025
274notashamedofthegospel.comNameCheap, Inc.1 Aug 20112 Jul 20231 Aug 2024
275notabenoid.comRegional Network Information Center, JSC dba RU-CE…15 Jan 200829 Aug 201614 Jan 2025
276notableapp.comTucows Domains Inc.25 Mar 200924 Mar 202425 Mar 2025
277notablebiographies.comNameCheap, Inc.9 Mar 200629 Dec 20189 Mar 2027
278notadecorte.com.br-8 Aug 200715 Jul 20148 Aug 2016
279notahati.comPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com25 Aug 20206 Oct 202325 Aug 2023
280notaire.be-19 Feb 1997--
281notalwaysworking.comGoDaddy.com, LLC16 Mar 201216 Mar 202416 Mar 2025
282notariado.orgNominalia Internet S.L.24 Oct 199717 Oct 202023 Oct 2025
283notariapublica226.comPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com20 Oct 201221 Oct 202320 Oct 2025
284notaryclasses.comMoniker Online Services LLC7 Apr 200314 May 20247 Apr 2025
285notaryofamerica.comGoDaddy.com, LLC31 Oct 20051 Nov 202331 Oct 2024
286notattached.comBeijing Lanhai Jiye Technology Co., Ltd30 Aug 202230 Aug 202330 Aug 2024
287notawoman.comNameCheap, Inc.7 Jul 20074 Jul 20247 Jul 2025
288notarioabello.com10dencehispahard, S.L.21 Oct 201421 Oct 201421 Oct 2024
289notarickroll.comNameCheap, Inc.7 May 202013 May 20247 May 2025
290notarialservices.bizTucows Domains Inc.23 May 201827 May 201923 May 2019
291notariahispanoamericana.comAscio Technologies, Inc. Danmark - Filial af Ascio…21 Oct 201422 Oct 201721 Oct 2018
292notaria166.comPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com18 Jan 201719 Jan 202418 Jan 2025
293notaria161.comTucows Domains Inc.18 Oct 201022 Oct 201418 Oct 2015
294notanalarmist.comWild West Domains, LLC21 Oct 201421 Oct 201421 Oct 2015
295notagile.comGoDaddy.com, LLC31 Jan 20191 Feb 202431 Jan 2026
296notablepraise.comNordreg AB1 Aug 202316 Jan 20241 Aug 2024
297notabasement.comGoDaddy.com, LLC24 Jan 201025 Jan 202424 Jan 2025
298notabenemarketing.comGoDaddy.com, LLC29 Jan 200727 May 202429 Jan 2026
299notabenoid.orgRegional Network Information Center, JSC dba RU-CE…2 Jan 20156 Jan 20242 Jan 2025
300notable1967.comGoDaddy.com, LLC27 May 201927 May 201927 May 2020
301notablefacts.comAnnulet LLC14 Jun 201831 Jul 202314 Jun 2024
302notablepdf.comGandi SAS3 Mar 201429 Jan 20243 Mar 2025
303notablesolutions.comEuroDNS S.A.1 Nov 200423 Nov 20236 Dec 2024
304notabli.comTucows Domains Inc.15 Dec 201014 Dec 202315 Dec 2024
305notabug.orgNameWeb BVBA26 Feb 201518 Mar 202426 Feb 2025
307notafina.de--8 Aug 2018-
308notaglue.comGoDaddy.com, LLC2 Nov 201328 Mar 20242 Nov 2024
309notagram.netNameCheap, Inc.27 Aug 201428 Jul 202327 Aug 2024
310notagrouch.comGoDaddy.com, LLC30 Mar 20094 Apr 202430 Mar 2025
311notaio.inDynadot, LLC23 Sep 20119 Sep 202323 Sep 2024
312notaiodidomenico.it-17 Dec 20102 Jan 202417 Dec 2024
313notaires-ouest.comOVH sas23 Oct 20011 Oct 202323 Oct 2024
314notall.jp-19 Jun 20141 Jul 202430 Jun 2025
315notallowedto.comNameCheap, Inc.14 Oct 201427 Aug 202314 Oct 2024
316notalwaysfriendly.comGoDaddy.com, LLC11 Dec 201311 Dec 202311 Dec 2025
317notalwayslearning.comGoDaddy.com, LLC24 Feb 201325 Feb 202424 Feb 2025
318notalwaysrelated.comGoDaddy.com, LLC7 Sep 20117 Sep 20237 Sep 2024
319notalwaysright.comGoDaddy.com, LLC17 Sep 200717 Sep 202317 Sep 2025
320notalwaysromantic.comGoDaddy.com, LLC15 Aug 201116 Aug 202315 Aug 2024
321notanothermummyblog.comParagon Internet Group Ltd t/a Paragon Names13 Sep 20119 Aug 202313 Sep 2024
322notanotherpoppie.comGoDaddy.com, LLC17 Sep 201218 May 202417 Sep 2025
323notanotherteenwolfpodcast.com1API GmbH5 Nov 20145 Apr 20235 Nov 2024
324notap.de--1 Feb 2006-
325notar.at--16 Jun 2016-
326notar.de--30 Mar 2020-
327notarad.com-13 Jun 201319 Jun 202413 Jun 2025
328notariat-poznan.pl-19 Apr 201220 Feb 201719 Apr 2018
329notarimmo.be-29 Jun 2018--
330notarinha.comDynadot, LLC5 Jun 20166 Jun 20245 Jun 2025
331notariofranciscorosales.com1&1 Internet AG28 Nov 201316 Mar 201828 Nov 2024
332notariusi.infoName.com, Inc.10 Jan 201124 Feb 202410 Jan 2025
333notarlex.it-13 Mar 200230 Oct 201614 Oct 2017
334notary.netNameCheap, Inc.21 Oct 199612 Aug 202020 Oct 2029
335notarycam.comGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Aug 20125 Aug 20234 Aug 2024
336notarylocator.com.au--23 Apr 2024-
337notas-d-prensa-gratis.comArsys Internet, S.L. dba NICLINE.COM23 Oct 20132 Jan 202023 Oct 2024
338notasd.comGoDaddy.com, LLC8 Nov 200420 Oct 20238 Nov 2024
339notasdecorte.info101domain, Inc.23 Apr 201028 Feb 202423 Apr 2025
340notasdehumo.comSoluciones Corporativas IP, SLU20 Nov 201221 Oct 202320 Nov 2024
341notasdesdealgunlugar.comFastDomain Inc.10 Jan 201228 Apr 202410 Jan 2025
342notasfutboleras.comGoDaddy.com, LLC21 Jan 201621 Jan 201621 Jan 2017
343notashispanas.comGoDaddy.com, LLC26 Sep 201230 May 202426 Sep 2025
344notaslimboy.comHiChina Zhicheng Technology Limited24 Jul 20205 Aug 202024 Jul 2021
345notaspoon.comDropCatch.com 479 LLC28 Dec 201928 Dec 201928 Dec 2020
346notationcapital.comName.com, Inc.24 Aug 201424 Jul 202324 Aug 2024
347notatky.com.uaKorea Server Hosting Inc.16 Feb 20135 Feb 201516 Feb 2016
348notav.infoOVH sas11 Jun 200411 Jun 202411 Jun 2025
349notavel.com.br-31 Jan 200014 Jan 201531 Jan 2016
350notashamedofthegospel.orgNameCheap, Inc.1 Aug 20117 Jul 20231 Aug 2024
351notaxmasters.comBizcn.com, Inc.22 Oct 201419 Oct 201722 Oct 2018
352notarztkurs-berlin.comEPAG Domainservices GmbH22 Oct 201423 Oct 201722 Oct 2018
353notarystoon.comGoDaddy.com, LLC22 Oct 201424 Aug 201622 Oct 2017
354notaryreference.comeNom, Inc.23 Oct 201423 Oct 201423 Oct 2015
355notaryormondbeach.comGoDaddy.com, LLC23 Oct 201423 Oct 201423 Oct 2015
356notarydaytonabeach.comGoDaddy.com, LLC23 Oct 201423 Oct 201423 Oct 2015
357notarybykimberly.comTucows Domains Inc.19 Oct 201223 Oct 201419 Oct 2015
358notamalefail.comNameCheap, Inc.22 Oct 201422 Sep 202322 Oct 2024
359notairetv.comRegister.it SPA22 Oct 201424 Nov 201722 Oct 2018
360notairestv.comRegister.it SPA22 Oct 201424 Nov 201722 Oct 2018
361notafuckinglabel.comTLD Registrar Solutions Ltd.22 Oct 201422 Oct 201422 Oct 2015
362notadg.comHefei Juming Network Technology Co., Ltd22 Oct 20143 Apr 202422 Oct 2024
363notableexpressions.comWix.com Ltd.27 May 20227 Jul 202327 May 2023
364notable.ca-1 Feb 200217 Mar 20241 Feb 2025
365notafon.ru-10 Nov 2016-10 Nov 2024
366notall.ru-10 Apr 2008-10 Apr 2025
367notamedia.ru-26 Feb 2004-26 Feb 2025
368notaproxy.co.ukOVH sas25 Oct 20086 Sep 201625 Oct 2018
369notariato.ru-24 Jun 2007-24 Jun 2025
370notaris.nl-27 Jun 199612 Dec 2022-
371notarisfeikema.nl-14 Apr 20097 Nov 2021-
372notaristarieven.nl-25 Aug 199919 Jan 2023-
373notariusz-cennik.pl-25 Mar 201026 Mar 202425 Mar 2025
374notaryoffice.ru-7 Apr 2003-7 Apr 2025
375notatek.pl-31 Dec 20072 Jan 202431 Dec 2024
377notabenebaroque.ca-27 Jun 201124 May 202427 Jun 2025
378notanio.pl-4 Sep 202021 Aug 20234 Sep 2024
380notar.se-28 Dec 200521 Dec 202320 Jan 2025
381notare.ru-24 Jun 2007-24 Jun 2025
382notarhiv.ru-29 Mar 2009-29 Mar 2025
384notarius-in-spb.ru-12 Apr 2012-12 Apr 2025
385notarius-on-map.ru-27 Feb 2012-27 Feb 2025
386notariusz-nawrocki.pl-30 Nov 201228 Nov 202330 Nov 2024
387notarizers.ca-1 May 200925 Mar 20241 May 2025
390notanueva.comCNOBIN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY LIMITED11 Aug 202311 Aug 202311 Aug 2024
391notableexpressions.infoGoDaddy.com, LLC22 Oct 201422 Oct 201422 Oct 2015
392notascuriosas.infoNameCheap, Inc.4 Apr 20184 Apr 20184 Apr 2019
394notaeletronica.com.br-21 Dec 200422 Dec 202321 Dec 2025
395notaris.be-19 Feb 1997--
397nota-bank.ru-24 Jul 2019-24 Jul 2024
400notasde100.comHostinger, UAB3 Aug 202330 Jun 20243 Aug 2024
401nota22.comDattatec.com SRL7 Jan 20247 Jan 202419 Feb 2026
402notamment.orgAllworldnames.com LLC5 Dec 20156 Dec 20155 Dec 2016
403notavelproducoes.comPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com23 Oct 20148 Oct 201623 Oct 2017
404notausrah.comPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com24 Oct 201424 Oct 201424 Oct 2015
405notaryabela.comNameCheap, Inc.23 Oct 201423 Sep 202323 Oct 2024
406notarkayne.comeNom, Inc.24 Oct 201424 Oct 201424 Oct 2015
407notariuszszczecin.comOVH sas1 Feb 20241 Feb 20241 Feb 2025
408notarisontour.comKey-Systems GmbH23 Oct 201423 Oct 201423 Oct 2015
409notarisbandung.comGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Feb 201720 Feb 202419 Feb 2025
410notaires-tv.comRegister.it SPA23 Oct 201425 Nov 201723 Oct 2018
411notaire-tv.comRegister.it SPA23 Oct 201425 Nov 201723 Oct 2018
412notacantiere.comTLD Registrar Solutions Ltd.23 Oct 201430 Oct 201523 Oct 2016
413notablestories.comTucows Domains Inc.17 Sep 202029 May 202417 Sep 2024
414notapolitica.it-28 Jan 200913 Feb 202428 Jan 2025
415nota11.com.br-24 Jan 20127 Feb 202324 Jan 2033
417notairetv.netRegister.it SPA22 Oct 201422 Oct 201422 Oct 2016
418notairestv.netRegister.it SPA22 Oct 201422 Oct 201422 Oct 2016
419notableexpressions.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC22 Oct 201422 Oct 201422 Oct 2015
420notableexpressions.netGoDaddy.com, LLC22 Oct 201422 Oct 201422 Oct 2015
422notasymas.comSoluciones Corporativas IP, SLU2 Oct 20193 Oct 20192 Oct 2020
423notaryengland.comWebfusion Ltd.24 Oct 201424 Oct 201424 Oct 2016
424notarismourisse.comDROPCATCH.COM 813 LLC11 Jan 201612 Jan 201711 Jan 2018
425notarioformentera.comeNom, Inc.24 Oct 201425 Oct 201724 Oct 2018
426notariacragg.comTucows Domains Inc.21 Oct 20101 Jan 202421 Oct 2023
427notaria82chiapas.comGoDaddy.com, LLC25 Oct 201425 Oct 201425 Oct 2015
428notaria79cancun.comNeubox Internet S.A. de C.V.30 Sep 202110 Dec 202330 Sep 2023
429notanclaro.comGoDaddy.com, LLC24 Oct 201424 Oct 201424 Oct 2015
430notagitana.comInternet Domain Services BS Corp25 Oct 201428 Sep 202325 Oct 2024
431notadroputah.comGoDaddy.com, LLC24 Oct 201424 Oct 201424 Oct 2015
432notadropclass.comGoDaddy.com, LLC24 Oct 201424 Oct 201424 Oct 2015
433notadoppler.comTucows Domains Inc.21 Oct 201125 Oct 201421 Oct 2015
434notacountry.comNameCheap, Inc.3 Dec 20233 Dec 20233 Dec 2024
435notariatpublic.comNameCheap, Inc.26 May 201113 May 202426 May 2025
436notabletoday.comFindYouAName.com LLC14 Dec 202314 Dec 202314 Dec 2024
437notashafra.comName.com, Inc.11 Mar 202011 Mar 202011 Mar 2022
438notarim.be-20 Sep 1995--
439notairemobile.ca-3 Sep 20144 May 20153 Sep 2024
440notaarsivleri.comDigivity B.V.11 May 20093 May 202311 May 2025
441notariusz-warszawa.infoKey-Systems GmbH5 May 200910 Apr 20235 May 2025
442notar.no-27 Nov 20141 Dec 2014-
443notary.ru-30 Dec 1997-31 Jan 2025
444notariosenred.comSoluciones Corporativas IP, SLU13 Mar 201413 Feb 202413 Mar 2025
445notasweb.com10dencehispahard, S.L.18 Oct 200713 Oct 201618 Oct 2024
446notar-veit.de--26 Aug 2005-
447notasdetinta.comNameCheap, Inc.15 Feb 202316 Feb 202415 Feb 2025
448notariatrescantos.net1&1 Internet AG23 Oct 20144 Apr 201723 Oct 2017
449notaires-tv.netRegister.it SPA23 Oct 201423 Oct 201423 Oct 2016
450notaire-tv.netRegister.it SPA23 Oct 201423 Oct 201423 Oct 2016
451notapennydownhomes.comGoDaddy.com, LLC24 May 200825 May 201524 May 2016
452notanothermillennial.comWild West Domains, LLC10 Jun 201624 Jun 202410 Jun 2025
453notarymiami123.comGoDaddy.com, LLC5 Jul 201217 Jul 20145 Jul 2016
454notadealbreaker.comDreamHost, LLC29 Nov 202028 Oct 202329 Nov 2024
455notadoctorkim.com-2 Nov 20224 Jan 20242 Nov 2023
456notarysprucecreek.ccGoDaddy.com, LLC27 May 201427 May 201527 May 2016
457notanothertgp.comNamesilo, LLC26 Nov 202127 Nov 202126 Nov 2022
458notasdelllano.comTucows Domains Inc.22 Oct 200424 Oct 202322 Oct 2024
459notarymn.comGoDaddy.com, LLC17 Dec 202030 Oct 202217 Dec 2025
460notary-czech.comDomain.com, LLC8 Nov 200625 Oct 20148 Nov 2014
461notarissurabaya.comWeb Commerce Communications Limited dba WebNic.cc9 May 20229 May 20229 May 2025
462notappropriatebehavior.comTucows Domains Inc.25 Oct 201429 Oct 202025 Oct 2020
463notademocracy.comGoogle, Inc.20 Nov 20187 May 202420 Nov 2024
464nota-atual.comDynamic Network Services, Inc.25 Oct 201425 Oct 201425 Oct 2015
465notalongtime.comNameCheap, Inc.30 Dec 201930 Nov 202330 Dec 2024
466notaria10tijuana.comGoDaddy.com, LLC28 May 201428 May 201528 May 2016
467notatemp.comGoDaddy.com, LLC27 May 201328 May 201527 May 2016
468notachance.netDynadot, LLC12 Jun 202122 Aug 202312 Jun 2023
469nota-online.comGoDaddy.com, LLC28 May 201429 May 201528 May 2016
470notallwomen.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC17 Jun 201618 Jun 201717 Jun 2018
471notallwomen.netGoDaddy.com, LLC17 Jun 201617 Jun 201617 Jun 2017
472notafone.netGoDaddy.com, LLC30 May 201230 May 201530 May 2016
474notariseadocument.comGoDaddy.com, LLC30 May 201310 Jun 201530 May 2016
475notagaincancer.comGoDaddy.com, LLC30 May 201430 May 201530 May 2016
476notarizemysigniture.comGoDaddy.com, LLC30 May 201310 Jun 201530 May 2016
477notacoma.comGoDaddy.com, LLC30 May 200631 May 201530 May 2016
478notanumb3er.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC24 Oct 201424 Oct 201424 Oct 2015
479notalwaysworking.netFastDomain Inc.24 Oct 201424 Oct 201424 Oct 2015
480notastudentloan.comNameCheap, Inc.14 Jun 202414 Jun 202414 Jun 2025
481notacotens.comGoDaddy.com, LLC30 May 201331 May 201530 May 2016
482notarypublicstudiocity.comGoDaddy.com, LLC31 May 20091 Jun 201531 May 2016
483notarysunnyisles.comGoDaddy.com, LLC31 May 20131 Jun 201531 May 2016
484notariapublica11licjuancamachoruiz.netTucows Domains Inc.22 Oct 201026 Oct 201422 Oct 2015
485notarymanagmentsystems.comGoDaddy.com, LLC31 May 20121 Jun 201531 May 2016
486notarypublicnorthhollywood.comGoDaddy.com, LLC31 May 20091 Jun 201531 May 2016
487notarypublicburbank.comGoDaddy.com, LLC31 May 20091 Jun 201531 May 2016
488notasteofthetown.comGoDaddy.com, LLC2 Jun 20122 Jun 20152 Jun 2016
489notarynick.comNameCheap, Inc.8 Jul 20198 Jun 20248 Jul 2025
490notaria67cancun.comNeubox Internet S.A. de C.V.5 Jan 20246 Mar 20245 Jan 2025
491notanordinarytutor.comGoDaddy.com, LLC2 Jun 20143 Jun 20152 Jun 2016
492notariakongeyzaguirre.comGoDaddy.com, LLC2 Jun 20143 Jun 20152 Jun 2016
493notaryservicelb.comTucows Domains Inc.23 Oct 201327 Oct 201423 Oct 2015
494notarymike.comGoDaddy.com, LLC7 Aug 20237 Aug 20237 Aug 2024
495notarylevy.comGoDaddy.com, LLC26 Oct 201428 Oct 202226 Oct 2024
496notary2u4u.comGoDaddy.com, LLC26 Oct 201426 Oct 201426 Oct 2016
497notanearthbiscuit.com1&1 Internet AG27 Oct 201427 Oct 201427 Oct 2015
498notalwysright.comGoDaddy.com, LLC27 Oct 201427 Oct 201427 Oct 2015
499notairepascherbretagne.comNamebay SAM26 Oct 201428 Sep 201726 Oct 2019
500notairelevy.comGoDaddy.com, LLC26 Oct 201428 Oct 202226 Oct 2024
501notairelemoinscher.comNamebay SAM26 Oct 201428 Aug 202326 Oct 2024
503notasdebolsa.coWild West Domains, LLC14 Jul 201220 May 201513 Jul 2015
504notarymanagementsystems.comGoDaddy.com, LLC3 Jun 20124 Jun 20153 Jun 2016
505notasdebolsa.comGoDaddy.com, LLC14 Feb 202013 Feb 202414 Feb 2025
506notafortunecookie.comNamesilo, LLC16 Dec 202117 Jun 202416 Dec 2024
507notaryofnewyork.comGoDaddy.com, LLC30 Jul 20042 Aug 201330 Jul 2015
508notatouchdown.comGoDaddy.com, LLC3 Jun 20144 Jun 20153 Jun 2016
509notabouttheblog.comGoDaddy.com, LLC3 Jun 20144 Jun 20153 Jun 2016
510notaryofnewyork.netGoDaddy.com, LLC30 Jul 20042 May 201530 Jul 2015
511notaryaffairs.comGoDaddy.com, LLC22 May 20136 Apr 202322 May 2025
512notanotherstatistic.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC26 May 202431 May 202426 May 2025
513notacaoxxi.comWild West Domains, LLC23 May 200624 May 201523 May 2016
514notairescongo.orgKey-Systems GmbH25 Oct 201425 Oct 201425 Oct 2015
515notaryflight.comGoDaddy.com, LLC21 May 201422 May 201521 May 2016
516notariusmiami.comGoDaddy.com, LLC23 May 201324 May 201523 May 2016
517notasthoughtful.comGoDaddy.com, LLC28 Oct 201428 Oct 201428 Oct 2015
518notarypublicnys.comGoDaddy.com, LLC24 Aug 201624 Aug 202324 Aug 2024
519notarypublicjudy.comDomain.com, LLC23 Sep 201427 Oct 201423 Sep 2015
520notariaplarubio.comArsys Internet, S.L. dba NICLINE.COM27 Oct 201430 Jan 201827 Oct 2018
521notariamateosydiez.comBeijing Lanhai Jiye Technology Co., Ltd30 Oct 202131 Oct 202330 Oct 2024
522notariamariazulueta.comPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com27 Oct 20148 Nov 201727 Oct 2018
523notalonebook.comSquarespace Domains LLC24 Jun 202424 Jun 202424 Jun 2025
524notalapcat.comWild West Domains, LLC27 Oct 201427 Oct 201427 Oct 2015
525notaire-tiacoh.comOVH sas27 Oct 201427 Oct 202327 Oct 2024
526notaire-colombes.com-4 Mar 20236 May 20244 Mar 2024
527notafundraiser.comNetwork Solutions, LLC27 Oct 201412 Jun 202427 Oct 2024
528notableparties.comGoDaddy.com, LLC28 Oct 201428 Oct 201428 Oct 2015
529notaarsivim.comPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com27 May 202027 May 202027 May 2021
530notadeimpacto.comGoDaddy.com, LLC21 May 201422 May 201521 May 2016
531notarii.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com23 Aug 201517 Aug 202023 Aug 2025
532notariagonzalezrosales.comGoDaddy.com, LLC6 Jun 20136 Jun 20156 Jun 2016
533notairplanexxx.comGoDaddy.com, LLC6 Jun 20096 Jun 20156 Jun 2016
534notafanbrand.comGoDaddy.com, LLC5 Jun 20136 Jun 20155 Jun 2016
535notario22.comWild West Domains, LLC5 Jun 20086 Jun 20155 Jun 2016
536notahopeinhell.comGoDaddy.com, LLC3 Aug 20203 Aug 20203 Aug 2021
537notafandesigns.comGoDaddy.com, LLC5 Jun 20136 Jun 20155 Jun 2016
538notawinner.meGoDaddy.com, LLC6 Jun 20146 Jun 20156 Jun 2016
539notax.coGoDaddy.com, LLC27 Mar 201518 May 201526 Mar 2016
540notariallaw.comGoDaddy.com, LLC26 Aug 201229 Apr 201526 Aug 2015
541notariallaw.netGoDaddy.com, LLC26 Aug 201229 Apr 201526 Aug 2015
542notariallaw.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC26 Aug 201216 Oct 201426 Aug 2015
543notablewriters.comGoDaddy.com, LLC31 Jul 20052 Aug 20232 Aug 2024
544notaea.infoNameCheap, Inc.26 Jan 201826 Jan 201826 Jan 2019
545notadolulu.comGo Australia Domains, LLC4 Oct 201421 Apr 20154 Oct 2015
546notalulu.comGo China Domains, LLC4 Oct 201421 Apr 20154 Oct 2015
547notatreaty.comGoDaddy.com, LLC7 Apr 201513 Apr 20157 Apr 2016
548notaryspace.comMoniker Online Services LLC31 Jul 20086 Sep 202331 Jul 2024
549notariuszowi.comeNom, Inc.16 Mar 201024 Feb 201516 Mar 2016
550notablue.netTucows Domains Inc.23 Oct 200827 Oct 201523 Oct 2016
551notary.tvNameCheap, Inc.8 Jun 201616 Apr 20248 Jun 2025
552notablenet.comOnlineNIC, Inc.11 Jun 202221 Aug 202311 Jun 2023
553notablenetwork.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com15 Jan 202223 Aug 202215 Jan 2025
554notabledoctors.comeNom, Inc.17 Apr 201210 May 201717 Apr 2018
555notarialarchives.comeNom, Inc.10 Jun 20115 Jun 202410 Jun 2025
556notariats.comeNom, Inc.3 Aug 20128 Jul 20173 Aug 2017
557notaryalliance.comNamesilo, LLC7 Mar 20203 Feb 20247 Mar 2025
558notasdecata.comeNom, Inc.14 Jul 201115 Jul 202414 Jul 2025
559notabili.comTucows Domains Inc.17 Jul 202021 Jul 202217 Jul 2022
560notabledesigns.comeNom, Inc.27 Apr 200922 Apr 202427 Apr 2025
561notamental.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com14 Jan 202222 Aug 202214 Jan 2025
562notaryandtax.comGoogle, Inc.19 Aug 202220 Aug 202319 Aug 2024
563notasdeaula.comeNom, Inc.14 May 201117 May 201714 May 2018
564notatio.comeNom, Inc.16 Jun 200913 Jun 202416 Jun 2025
565notattractive.comGoogle, Inc.19 Apr 201223 Apr 202419 Apr 2025
566notalink.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com13 Mar 20237 Mar 202413 Mar 2025
567notaryadvisor.comGoDaddy.com, LLC15 Mar 201215 Mar 202415 Mar 2025
568notarynj.netGoDaddy.com, LLC23 Oct 200213 Apr 201523 Oct 2015
569notarysocial.comGoDaddy.com, LLC9 Mar 201320 Apr 20249 Mar 2025
570notarykillarney.comBlacknight Internet Solutions Ltd.27 Oct 201322 Oct 202327 Oct 2024
571notaria178naucalpan.comTucows Domains Inc.25 Oct 201329 Oct 201525 Oct 2016
572notalwayspretty.comNetwork Solutions, LLC5 Apr 201612 Jun 20245 Apr 2025
573notallabouttheselfie.comAscio Technologies, Inc. Danmark - Filial af Ascio…28 Oct 201428 Oct 201428 Oct 2015
574notaire-rennes.comKey-Systems GmbH28 Oct 201429 Sep 202328 Oct 2024
575notaidettimenchetti.comRegister.it SPA28 Oct 201428 Sep 202328 Oct 2024
576notadimebelow99.comDomain.com, LLC28 Oct 201428 Oct 201428 Oct 2015
577notaconfirmada.comPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com28 Oct 201428 Oct 201428 Oct 2015
578notabledestinationsintl.comGoDaddy.com, LLC28 Oct 201428 Oct 201428 Oct 2016
579notabledestinations.comAzprivatez LLC15 Jan 20171 Mar 202415 Jan 2025
580nota-mi.comOne.com A/S28 Oct 201428 Sep 202328 Oct 2024
581notabisnes.comNameCheap, Inc.17 Jun 201612 Jun 202417 Jun 2025
582notagoodlook.comGoDaddy.com, LLC6 Aug 20077 Aug 20236 Aug 2025
583notaryxpress.comGoDaddy.com, LLC7 May 201729 Aug 20237 May 2025
584notarizedletter.comGoDaddy.com, LLC12 Oct 202029 Sep 202312 Oct 2024
585notabovestandard.comGoDaddy.com, LLC17 Sep 201229 Apr 201517 Sep 2015
586notarizedstatement.comGoDaddy.com, LLC25 Jul 200818 Apr 201525 Jul 2015
587notasingledime.comGoDaddy.com, LLC14 Feb 201330 Apr 201514 Feb 2016
589notabl.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com25 Mar 200611 Jul 202130 Jun 2025
590notaxday.comGoDaddy.com, LLC9 Jan 200622 Feb 20232 Oct 2024
591notapproved.comGoDaddy.com, LLC16 Aug 200017 Aug 202316 Aug 2024
592notanolulu.comTucows Domains Inc.31 Mar 201631 Mar 201631 Mar 2017
593notagiftshop.comGoDaddy.com, LLC15 Apr 201615 Apr 201615 Apr 2019
594notallaboutme.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC8 Jul 200620 Jul 20178 Jul 2018
595notarialny.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com24 Mar 202018 Mar 202124 Mar 2025
596notabovethelaw.comGoDaddy.com, LLC2 Feb 20215 Jan 20242 Feb 2025
597notableservices.comGoDaddy.com, LLC10 Mar 20217 Apr 202410 Mar 2025
598notatum.comGoDaddy.com, LLC23 Jul 202125 Jul 202323 Jul 2024
599notarysantabarbara.comMoniker Online Services LLC23 Jan 201217 Feb 202423 Jan 2025
600notaryplace.comDynadot, LLC25 Feb 202125 Feb 202425 Feb 2025
601notarysigns.comGoogle, Inc.18 Jan 20207 Feb 202418 Jan 2025
602notablesource.comWild West Domains, LLC23 Jun 20042 Jul 202423 Jun 2025
603notaryprivate.comGoDaddy.com, LLC5 Apr 202118 May 20245 Apr 2025
604notaria24quito.comGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Feb 201415 Apr 201519 Feb 2016
605notation.infoOVH sas10 Jul 201810 Jul 202410 Jul 2025
606notary411.comMoniker Online Services LLC16 Oct 201222 Nov 202316 Oct 2024
607notaryinformation.comMoniker Online Services LLC16 Oct 201222 Nov 202316 Oct 2024
608notabad.comSquarespace Domains LLC30 Oct 200831 Dec 202330 Oct 2025
609notable.me1&1 Internet AG17 Jul 200817 Jul 201717 Jul 2018
610notasmart.comHostinger, UAB5 Jun 20185 Jun 20185 Jun 2019
611notasdemoleskine.comWild West Domains, LLC29 Oct 201429 Oct 201429 Oct 2015
612notasdefm.comGoDaddy.com, LLC30 Oct 201430 Oct 201430 Oct 2015
613notaryhungary.comPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com29 Oct 201429 Oct 201429 Oct 2015
614notary-hungary.comPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com29 Oct 201429 Oct 201429 Oct 2015
615notarizingnotary.comGoDaddy.com, LLC29 Oct 201429 Oct 201429 Oct 2016
616notariahiga.comWild West Domains, LLC27 Oct 200428 Oct 202227 Oct 2024
617notanidol.comDynadot, LLC1 Apr 202327 Mar 20241 Apr 2025
618notallmenareassholes.comGoDaddy.com, LLC29 Oct 201429 Oct 201429 Oct 2015
619notagraphy.comName.com, Inc.21 Jul 201921 Jul 201921 Jul 2020
620notafiscal-anexo.comUniverso Online S/A (UOL)29 Oct 201429 Oct 201429 Oct 2015
621notafern.comTucows Domains Inc.29 Oct 201414 Oct 202329 Oct 2024
622notadderall.comGoDaddy.com, LLC30 Oct 201430 Oct 201630 Oct 2017
623notacover.com-29 Oct 201429 Oct 201429 Oct 2017
624notabirdhouse.comGoDaddy.com, LLC29 Oct 201429 Oct 201429 Oct 2015
625nota-help.comOVH sas29 Oct 201429 Oct 201429 Oct 2015
626notary365.comGoDaddy.com, LLC31 Oct 200618 Apr 20241 Jan 2025
627notanother.comWebfusion Ltd.14 Jan 200315 Jan 202414 Jan 2025
628notarize.meName.com, Inc.20 Dec 20128 Jun 201720 Dec 2017
629notaristarieven.comGoDaddy.com, LLC5 Mar 200514 Feb 20245 Mar 2025
630notary24-7.comDomainPeople, Inc.5 Jun 202318 Jul 20245 Jun 2024
631notaryrobot.comGoDaddy.com, LLC2 Jul 20093 Jul 20242 Jul 2025
632notaryrobot.netGoDaddy.com, LLC3 Jul 20093 Jul 20243 Jul 2025
633notafee.comNamesilo, LLC17 Mar 201118 Mar 202417 Mar 2025
634notablealumni.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC31 May 20061 Jun 201731 May 2018
635notaminority.comGoDaddy.com, LLC8 Dec 20069 Mar 202418 May 2025
636notanothergiftcard.comWebfusion Ltd.13 Jun 201713 Jun 201713 Jun 2019
637notanote.comGoDaddy.com, LLC26 Jan 201313 Apr 20242 Mar 2025
638notaryinminutes.comGoDaddy.com, LLC20 Aug 202320 Aug 202320 Aug 2025
639notarylive.comGoDaddy.com, LLC3 Oct 20114 Oct 20233 Oct 2024
640notadvertised.comName.com, Inc.14 Apr 200917 Apr 202414 Apr 2025
641notarymobile.netGoogle, Inc.22 Aug 202318 May 202422 Aug 2024
642notarianakasone.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC29 Oct 201413 Dec 202329 Oct 2024
643notadimebelow99.orgDomain.com, LLC28 Oct 201428 Oct 201428 Oct 2015
644notadime.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC15 Jul 202016 Jul 202415 Jul 2025
645notarycomplaint.comWild West Domains, LLC17 Apr 202118 Apr 202417 Apr 2025
646notasmoedas.comKey-Systems GmbH9 Nov 20169 Nov 20169 Nov 2017
647notalone.coBigRock Solutions Ltd.4 Jun 201710 Jun 20173 Jun 2018
648notathingtolose.comGoDaddy.com, LLC16 Nov 200129 Aug 202316 Nov 2024
649notavailableonthehighstreet.comEasyspace LTD30 Oct 201419 Nov 201530 Oct 2016
650notarysfbay.comFabulous.com Pty Ltd.6 Oct 200910 Sep 20236 Oct 2024
651notarypublicclassesnewyork.com-30 Oct 201430 Oct 201430 Oct 2017
652notariusz-wroclaw.bizNetArt Registrar Sp. z o.o.30 Mar 202031 Mar 202430 Mar 2024
653notariadequiroga.comTucows Domains Inc.31 Oct 20144 Nov 202331 Oct 2024
654notaria94edomex.comGoDaddy.com, LLC30 Oct 201417 Oct 202330 Oct 2024
655notaria10zapopan.comGoDaddy.com, LLC31 Oct 201431 Oct 201431 Oct 2015
656notanotherhairsalon.comGoDaddy.com, LLC21 Jan 202321 Jan 202421 Jan 2025
657notalong.comShanghai Meicheng Technology Information Co., Ltd31 Oct 201431 Oct 201431 Oct 2016
658notaiobarbagallo.comRegister.it SPA30 Oct 201430 Sep 201730 Oct 2018
659notablecollegedegrees.comeNom, Inc.30 Oct 20141 Oct 201730 Oct 2018
660notableamericanweather.comNetwork Solutions, LLC30 Oct 201412 Jun 202430 Oct 2024
661notary-public.mobiPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com29 Oct 201429 Oct 201429 Oct 2015
662notary-hungary.mobiPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com29 Oct 201429 Oct 201429 Oct 2015
663notanmlm.comGoDaddy.com, LLC1 Feb 200521 Apr 202421 Apr 2025
664notary.meGoDaddy.com, LLC17 Jul 200830 May 201717 Jul 2018
665notadiyari.comGMO Internet Inc.11 Apr 201618 Apr 201711 Apr 2018
666notaryconcierge.comGoDaddy.com, LLC18 Jul 201914 Jul 202418 Jul 2025
667notableartists.comGoDaddy.com, LLC21 Apr 201822 Apr 202421 Apr 2025
668notasdeamor.comGoDaddy.com, LLC11 Jan 200822 Dec 202311 Jan 2025
669notary123.comGoDaddy.com, LLC23 Sep 200124 Sep 202323 Sep 2024
670notafatty.comGoDaddy.com, LLC27 Mar 200925 Mar 201527 Mar 2016
671notasvirales.netTucows Domains Inc.31 Jan 20214 Feb 202331 Jan 2023
672notash.netPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com12 Feb 202212 Feb 202412 Feb 2025
673notarybook.netFabulous.com Pty Ltd.8 Oct 200910 Sep 20238 Oct 2024
674notarizer.comWild West Domains, LLC17 Apr 20036 Apr 202417 Apr 2026
675notamlm.comGoDaddy.com, LLC2 Apr 200421 Apr 202421 Apr 2025
676notasingledime.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC14 Feb 201315 Feb 201514 Feb 2016
677notariusfogado.comGoDaddy.com, LLC8 Jul 200727 Jan 20158 Jul 2015
678notarialcertificate.comKey-Systems GmbH11 Jul 201912 Jul 202311 Jul 2025
679notarizeddocument.com1&1 Internet AG30 Jan 202312 Apr 202430 Jan 2025
680notasdecorte.comFabulous.com Pty Ltd.18 Aug 200722 Aug 202318 Aug 2024
681notappropriateforwork.comXiamen ChinaSource Internet Service Co., Ltd.24 Aug 202024 Aug 202024 Aug 2021
682notarygold.comGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Jan 20075 Jan 20244 Jan 2025
683notarized.comGoDaddy.com, LLC20 Nov 199811 Oct 202219 Nov 2027
684notaryfacts.comGoDaddy.com, LLC9 Mar 202228 May 20249 Mar 2025
685notaxlife.comGoDaddy.com, LLC31 Mar 20221 Apr 202431 Mar 2026
686notasinglef.comTucows Domains Inc.28 Apr 20192 May 202028 Apr 2020
687notasdeamorfoundation.comTucows Domains Inc.31 Oct 20144 Nov 201531 Oct 2016
688notarstefano.comGandi SAS21 Jun 202028 Jul 202321 Jun 2031
689notaredskin.comMarkMonitor Inc.31 Oct 201429 Sep 202331 Oct 2024
690notaredneck.comGoogle, Inc.1 Jan 20161 Jan 20161 Jan 2017
691notapotamus.comNameCheap, Inc.26 Aug 202027 Jul 202326 Aug 2024
692notapologizing.comAnnulet LLC17 Jan 20165 Mar 202417 Jan 2025
693notaloneinthedark.comSquarespace Domains LLC6 Jul 20246 Jul 20246 Jul 2025
694notaiocaccetta.comTucows Domains Inc.24 Nov 202017 Nov 202324 Nov 2024
695notaboutthelabel.comWebfusion Ltd.31 Oct 201431 Oct 201431 Oct 2016
696notabenefilms.comSibername Internet and Software Technologies Inc.14 Oct 20215 Oct 202314 Oct 2024
697notanxious.comGoDaddy.com, LLC1 May 200618 May 20241 May 2025
698notanxiousaboutanything.comGoDaddy.com, LLC30 Apr 20061 May 202430 Apr 2025
699notanotherclinton.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC21 Feb 201522 Apr 201521 Feb 2016
700notarydirectory.netDropCatch.com 958 LLC13 Dec 202316 Dec 202313 Dec 2024
701notarycloud.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com25 May 20122 May 202325 May 2024
702notanglebrush.comGoDaddy.com, LLC27 Dec 201127 Dec 202327 Dec 2024
703notagandr.eupAsia, Inc.---
704notableweb.netNetwork Solutions, LLC11 Aug 199913 Jul 202311 Aug 2028
706notablesmusicproducts.comDreamHost, LLC3 Oct 200711 Sep 20233 Oct 2024
707notaquietlibrary.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC9 Mar 200410 Jun 20249 Mar 2025
708notadecredito.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com22 Jan 202016 Jan 202122 Jan 2026
709notarystamp.comGoDaddy.com, LLC6 Jul 200019 Mar 202419 Nov 2026
710notasaintla.comGoDaddy.com, LLC15 Sep 201024 Apr 201515 Sep 2017
711notasaint.comGo Canada Domains, LLC11 Dec 20118 Feb 202411 Dec 2024
712notaries.comGoDaddy.com, LLC13 Mar 19971 Dec 202314 Mar 2026
713notary4uonline.netGoDaddy.com, LLC24 May 20096 Sep 202224 May 2026
714notable1974.comGoDaddy.com, LLC8 Nov 20198 Nov 20198 Nov 2020
715notable1971.comGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Nov 201419 Apr 20154 Nov 2015
716notafiscalpaulista.comPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com30 Aug 200728 Feb 202430 Aug 2025
717notadoc.orgArsys Internet, S.L. dba NICLINE.COM20 Apr 202419 Jun 202420 Apr 2025
718notarypublicillinois.comGoDaddy.com, LLC28 Feb 200317 May 202328 Feb 2025
719notariesequipment.comGoDaddy.com, LLC1 Sep 20002 Sep 20231 Sep 2026
720notaproxylist-ipromise.comPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com6 Sep 201019 Aug 20166 Sep 2017
721notacarioca.comPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com25 May 201013 Dec 202325 May 2025
722notarycourseprovider.comGoDaddy.com, LLC7 Dec 20136 Dec 20147 Dec 2015
723notaghost.comGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Jan 20105 Dec 20234 Jan 2027
724notaries.bc.caeasyDNS Technologies, Inc.24 Oct 200013 Dec 20142 Jul 2019
725notariusz-wroclaw.orgNetArt Registrar Sp. z o.o.30 Oct 20146 Jun 201730 Oct 2018
726notaria14.orgPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com30 Oct 201430 Oct 201430 Oct 2015
727notanother.org-20 Jun 202420 Jun 202420 Jun 2025
728notadderall.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC30 Oct 201421 Jul 202330 Oct 2024
729notabadkid.comGoDaddy.com, LLC12 Jul 201418 Jan 201512 Jul 2015
730notaryfaxbackpro.comMedia Elite Holdings Limited5 Nov 20205 Nov 20205 Nov 2021
731notalwayscharming.comDropCatch.com 1045 LLC5 Oct 201614 Nov 20175 Oct 2017
732notateit.com1&1 Internet AG8 Mar 20039 Mar 20208 Mar 2025
733notable1968.comGoDaddy.com, LLC29 Dec 201429 Dec 201429 Dec 2015
734notabledesigner.comGoDaddy.com, LLC29 Dec 201120 Nov 201429 Dec 2015
735notabledesigners.comAnnulet LLC5 Mar 201622 Apr 20245 Mar 2025
736notaxlife.infoGoDaddy.com, LLC31 Oct 20141 Nov 201631 Oct 2018
737notarypubliclongbeachca.comGoDaddy.com, LLC27 Jun 201128 Jun 201527 Jun 2016
738notaen.infoGoDaddy.com, LLC11 Aug 201422 Nov 201411 Aug 2015
739notaloneinfo.orgSiteName Ltd.31 Mar 20245 Apr 202431 Mar 2025
740notaweirdo.comCrazy Domains FZ-LLC1 Nov 20141 Nov 20141 Nov 2015
741notarybuddy.comGoogle, Inc.11 Dec 201811 Dec 202311 Dec 2024
742notariesdigest.comDropCatch.com 1321 LLC20 Jan 201721 Jan 201720 Jan 2018
743notaria2slpz.comTucows Domains Inc.29 Oct 20102 Nov 201429 Oct 2015
744notacountryclub.comGoogle, Inc.23 Aug 20236 Jun 202423 Aug 2024
745notable1983.comHongkong Domain Name Information Management Co., L…5 Oct 20205 Oct 20205 Oct 2021
746notaire-ouest.comPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com16 Feb 200625 Jan 201716 Feb 2018
747notabledance.comGoDaddy.com, LLC4 May 20125 May 20244 May 2029
748notaserver.netDreamHost, LLC16 Nov 200716 Oct 202317 Nov 2024
749notariestoyou.comPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com4 Oct 20021 Sep 20234 Oct 2024
750notanks.comNetwork Solutions, LLC21 Oct 201622 Aug 202221 Oct 2025
751notablecreditcards.comeNom, Inc.4 Dec 201315 Feb 20154 Dec 2015
752notaloneanymores.clubeNom, Inc.11 Jun 201412 Jun 201510 Jun 2015
753notableweddings.comDomainAdministration.com, LLC22 Aug 20177 Oct 202322 Aug 2024
754notaryengine.comGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Jun 200710 Jun 20244 Jun 2025
755notaryaid.comGoDaddy.com, LLC5 Apr 201220 May 20245 Apr 2025
756notarymobile.usGoDaddy.com, LLC8 Jun 201427 Aug 20147 Jun 2015
757notaire-direct.comGoDaddy.com, LLC30 Jun 20046 Feb 202330 Jun 2026
758notacost.coGoDaddy.com, LLC8 Dec 201421 May 20157 Dec 2015
760notarygadget.comGoDaddy.com, LLC8 Jun 20119 Sep 20228 Jun 2025
761notablygifted.comGoDaddy.com, LLC13 Sep 200513 Sep 202313 Sep 2024
762notaxnoway.comeNom, Inc.11 Sep 20145 Sep 202311 Sep 2024
763notakeout.comNamesilo, LLC13 Apr 200714 Apr 202413 Apr 2025
764notaryfast.comGoDaddy.com, LLC23 Dec 20143 Jan 20242 Jan 2025
765notableguitars.comTucows Domains Inc.3 Feb 200416 Feb 20243 Feb 2025
766notaryforum.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com22 Nov 200315 Jan 202022 Nov 2025
767notariatinageros.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC10 Aug 200829 Jan 201510 Aug 2015
768notaspeculiares.comGoDaddy.com, LLC5 May 201416 Jul 20245 May 2024
769notable1946.comGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Jan 201517 Apr 201519 Jan 2016
770notary.la1API GmbH27 Apr 200510 May 202427 Apr 2025
771notarybook.orgFabulous.com Pty Ltd.9 Oct 200916 Sep 20239 Oct 2024
772notamillennialmoment.orgLaunchpad, Inc.31 Oct 201431 Oct 201431 Oct 2015
773notaryanytime.comGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Dec 20025 Dec 20234 Dec 2024
774notaged.comGoDaddy.com, LLC15 May 201315 May 201515 May 2016
775notaryshawn.comGoDaddy.com, LLC27 Feb 200919 Apr 201527 Feb 2016
776notarpublic.comGoDaddy.com, LLC9 Jan 20056 Mar 20249 Jan 2025
777notariver.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com20 Jul 20229 Sep 202320 Jul 2025
778notaryservicestexas.comDynadot, LLC30 Jul 202331 Jul 202330 Jul 2024
779notaweirdo.mobiCrazy Domains FZ-LLC1 Nov 2014-1 Nov 2015
780notarycalgary.netGoDaddy.com, LLC1 Nov 20141 Nov 20141 Nov 2015
781notarad.net1&1 Internet AG1 Nov 20141 Nov 20141 Nov 2015
782notallfaeriesarebeautiful.comPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com9 Jun 201310 Jun 20159 Jun 2016
783notarazi.comPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com9 Jun 201210 Jun 20159 Jun 2016
784notafilia.comGoDaddy.com, LLC20 Sep 200015 Sep 202320 Sep 2024
785notaryrsvp.comGoDaddy.com, LLC27 Nov 201927 Nov 201927 Nov 2020
786notaryrsvp.netGoDaddy.com, LLC16 Nov 200717 Oct 201416 Nov 2015
787notarytoyou.comeNom, Inc.18 Oct 20095 Oct 202318 Oct 2024
788notaria1morelia.com-21 Jul 201621 Jul 201621 Jul 2017
789notasugarfix.comWild West Domains, LLC2 Nov 20142 Nov 20142 Nov 2015
790notasdelviaje.comWix.com Ltd.12 Nov 201916 Nov 202212 Nov 2022
791notary-immortality.bizGMO Internet Inc.2 Nov 20142 Nov 20141 Nov 2015
792notanact.comDanDomains A/S2 Nov 201422 Oct 20162 Nov 2018
793notabaddeal.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC24 Aug 201524 Aug 201724 Aug 2018
794notariabcs.comNeubox Internet S.A. de C.V.18 Aug 202218 Oct 202218 Aug 2024
795notable1930.comGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Jan 201519 Jan 201519 Jan 2016
796notable1940.comGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Jan 201517 Apr 201519 Jan 2016
797notable1950.comGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Jan 201526 Feb 201519 Jan 2016
798notable1951.comPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com11 Jun 201711 Jun 201711 Jun 2018
799notable1957.comGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Jan 201517 Apr 201519 Jan 2016
800notable1959.comKey-Systems GmbH10 Jul 201710 Jul 201710 Jul 2018
801notairewauters.comTucows Domains Inc.7 Mar 20247 Mar 20247 Mar 2025
802notaloneministries.comAutomattic Inc.23 Oct 20236 Feb 202423 Oct 2024
803notariusz-warszawa.coGoDaddy.com, LLC8 Jun 201313 Jun 20157 Jun 2015
804notariahopkins.comGoDaddy.com, LLC8 Jun 20119 Sep 20228 Jun 2025
806notawinner.netGoDaddy.com, LLC6 Jun 20147 Jun 20156 Jun 2016
807notable1947.comGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Jan 201519 Jan 201519 Jan 2016
808notarykidd.comGoDaddy.com, LLC7 Jun 20147 Jun 20157 Jun 2016
809notaireschinois.comGoDaddy.com, LLC7 Jun 20138 Jun 20157 Jun 2016
810notanglejewelryorganizer.comGoDaddy.com, LLC6 Jun 20067 Jun 20156 Jun 2016
811notarysandiego.usGoDaddy.com, LLC9 Jun 20109 Jun 20148 Jun 2015
812notarystudy.comeNom, Inc.6 Jan 200423 Dec 20237 Jan 2025
813notaryclassonline.comTucows Domains Inc.8 Oct 20049 Sep 20238 Oct 2024
814notablewoods.comTucows Domains Inc.7 Mar 20027 Feb 20247 Mar 2025
815notart.orgDomain.com, LLC12 Aug 20011 Dec 201912 Aug 2025
816notariacabreraperu.coGoDaddy.com, LLC12 Jun 201417 Jun 201511 Jun 2015
817notaria-57.comGoDaddy.com, LLC11 Jun 201412 Jun 201511 Jun 2016
818notarydepot.comCloudFlare, Inc.15 Jan 200328 Apr 202316 Apr 2026
819notautil.comNetwork Solutions, LLC24 Mar 20246 May 202424 Mar 2025
820notariacabrera.coGoDaddy.com, LLC12 Jun 201417 Jun 201511 Jun 2015
821notable1953.comGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Jan 201519 Jan 201519 Jan 2016
822notariacabrera.bizGoDaddy.com, LLC12 Jun 201412 Jun 201411 Jun 2015
823notafraidtotest.comGoDaddy.com, LLC12 Jun 200912 Jun 201512 Jun 2016
824notafraid2test.comGoDaddy.com, LLC12 Jun 200912 Jun 201512 Jun 2016
825notablefloatables.comGoDaddy.com, LLC16 Jan 200717 Jan 202316 Jan 2025
826notable.comNetwork Solutions, LLC30 Jun 20011 Jul 202030 Jun 2030
827notariacabrera.mobiGoDaddy.com, LLC12 Jun 201413 Jun 201512 Jun 2016
828notaryeducationseminars.comGoDaddy.com, LLC6 Jun 200517 May 20246 Jun 2025
829notarydirect.comNetwork Solutions, LLC31 Jan 20002 Dec 202131 Jan 2027
830notaspectatorsport.comMAFF Inc.22 Jan 202223 Jan 202222 Jan 2023
831notarypublicreading.comGoDaddy.com, LLC3 Nov 20144 Nov 20233 Nov 2024
832notarypublicgalway.comBlacknight Internet Solutions Ltd.31 Jan 201926 Jan 202431 Jan 2025
833notarypublic-windsor.comGoDaddy.com, LLC3 Nov 20144 Nov 20233 Nov 2024
834notarypublic-slough.comGoDaddy.com, LLC3 Nov 20144 Nov 20233 Nov 2024
835notarydocservices.comGoDaddy.com, LLC28 Mar 202229 Mar 202428 Mar 2025
836notarydocservice.comGoDaddy.com, LLC3 Nov 20143 Nov 20143 Nov 2016
837notairesuccession.comGoogle, Inc.9 Aug 202210 Aug 20239 Aug 2024
838notairelassomption.comeNom, Inc.3 Nov 20143 Nov 20143 Nov 2015
839notaireinaptitude.comeNom, Inc.3 Nov 20143 Nov 20143 Nov 2015
840notairehypotheque.comeNom, Inc.3 Nov 20143 Nov 20143 Nov 2015
841notaire-testament.comeNom, Inc.3 Nov 20143 Nov 20143 Nov 2015
842notableintl.comGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Nov 20144 Nov 20144 Nov 2015
843notable1989.comGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Nov 20144 Nov 20144 Nov 2015
844notable1988.comGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Nov 20144 Nov 20144 Nov 2015
845notable1987.comGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Nov 20144 Nov 20144 Nov 2015
846notable1986.comGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Nov 20144 Nov 20144 Nov 2015
847notable1985.comGoDaddy.com, LLC10 Sep 201810 Sep 201810 Sep 2019
848notable1984.comGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Nov 20144 Nov 20144 Nov 2015
849notable1982.comGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Nov 20144 Nov 20144 Nov 2015
850notable1981.comGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Nov 20144 Nov 20144 Nov 2015
851notable1980.comGoDaddy.com, LLC23 Nov 202023 Nov 202023 Nov 2021
852notable1979.comGoDaddy.com, LLC6 Jun 20176 Jun 20176 Jun 2018
853notable1978.comGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Nov 20144 Nov 20144 Nov 2015
854notable1977.comGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Nov 20144 Nov 20144 Nov 2015
855notable1976.comGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Nov 20144 Nov 20144 Nov 2015
856notable1975.comGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Nov 20144 Nov 20144 Nov 2015
857notable1973.comGoDaddy.com, LLC26 Aug 201926 Aug 201926 Aug 2020
858notable1972.comGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Nov 20144 Nov 20144 Nov 2015
859notable1970.comGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Nov 20144 Nov 20144 Nov 2015
860notable1969.comGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Nov 20144 Nov 20144 Nov 2015
861notaryontime.comTucows Domains Inc.6 Mar 20095 Mar 20246 Mar 2025
862notarypublicdirectory.comGoDaddy.com, LLC7 Oct 201917 Dec 20237 Oct 2024
863notafraidtosweat.comTucows Domains Inc.26 Mar 200525 Mar 202426 Mar 2025
864notable1952.comGoDaddy.com, LLC5 Jul 20175 Jul 20175 Jul 2018
865notaryact.comGoDaddy.com, LLC5 Mar 201211 Jan 20205 Mar 2025
866notable1954.comGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Jan 201519 Jan 201519 Jan 2016
867notarydowntown.ca-27 Dec 200911 Dec 202326 Dec 2024
868notalllikethat.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC7 May 20131 Jul 20247 May 2025
869notarypublicbackgroundcheck.comNameCheap, Inc.11 Oct 200611 Sep 202311 Oct 2024
870notabugsplat.comWild West Domains, LLC6 Apr 20146 Mar 20246 Apr 2025
871notarisverhoeks.nl-11 Mar 201131 May 2024-
872notariadelvillar.orgTucows Domains Inc.29 Oct 20092 Nov 201729 Oct 2018
873notaries.orgNetwork Solutions, LLC20 May 19984 May 202419 May 2026
874notaspectatorsport.infoGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Nov 20144 Nov 20144 Nov 2015
875notationmachine.comEvoPlus Ltd.28 Nov 19997 Jan 202328 Nov 2026
876notarypublicseminars.comGoDaddy.com, LLC14 Apr 200015 Apr 201914 Apr 2028
877notaxesforterror.comGoDaddy.com, LLC25 Mar 201425 Mar 202425 Mar 2025
878notarypubliccentral.comNetwork Solutions, LLC7 Jan 20028 Dec 20237 Jan 2025
879notarypublicunderwriters.comWild West Domains, LLC17 Jan 200218 Jan 202417 Jan 2025
880notarysuperstore.comGoDaddy.com, LLC24 Oct 20032 Jun 20242 Jun 2025
881notaryaaa.comTucows Domains Inc.12 Apr 201125 Nov 202312 May 2025
882notablesswingband.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC8 Sep 201320 Feb 20248 Sep 2024
883notalonemom.comFastDomain Inc.1 Dec 202119 Nov 20231 Dec 2024
884notary-in-spalding.comWebfusion Ltd.4 Nov 201428 Oct 20164 Nov 2018
885notary-in-peterborough.comWebfusion Ltd.4 Nov 201428 Oct 20164 Nov 2018
886notartecutethings.comGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Nov 20144 Nov 20144 Nov 2016
887notariusite.comeNom, Inc.4 Nov 20149 Oct 20234 Nov 2024
888notarisismi.comWeb Commerce Communications Limited dba WebNic.cc4 Nov 201422 Oct 20215 Nov 2024
889notaria35saltillo.comeNom, Inc.4 Nov 201428 Oct 20234 Nov 2024
890notaria12bogota.comHello Internet Corp.4 Nov 20142 Nov 20234 Nov 2024
891notanotherflower.comGoDaddy.com, LLC5 Nov 20145 Nov 20145 Nov 2015
892notanotherfloralheadpiece.comGoDaddy.com, LLC5 Nov 20145 Nov 20145 Nov 2015
893notairestjerome.comGoogle, Inc.27 Mar 201913 Jun 202427 Mar 2029
894notairefintikakis.comNamesilo, LLC4 Nov 201415 Feb 20184 Nov 2018
895notaiobonini.comTucows Domains Inc.4 Nov 201425 Oct 20234 Nov 2024
896notable1948.comGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Jan 201517 Apr 201519 Jan 2016
897notable1944.comGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Jan 201519 Jan 201519 Jan 2016
898notaryclassnow.com1&1 Internet AG21 Oct 20109 Oct 201921 Oct 2024
899notavivavineyards.comGoDaddy.com, LLC12 Dec 200213 Dec 202312 Dec 2025
900notaxon.comGoDaddy.com, LLC12 Jun 200913 Jun 201512 Jun 2016
901notariacabreraperu.comGoDaddy.com, LLC12 Jun 201413 Jun 201512 Jun 2016
902notariacabreraperu.netGoDaddy.com, LLC12 Jun 201413 Jun 201512 Jun 2016
903notariusite.infoeNom, Inc.4 Nov 201414 Oct 20234 Nov 2024
904notadirtyhippiesoap.comGoDaddy.com, LLC17 Aug 201418 Aug 201617 Aug 2018
905notagym.netregister.com, Inc.23 Nov 201024 Nov 202323 Nov 2024
906notamiss.comGoDaddy.com, LLC17 Aug 201418 Aug 202317 Aug 2025
907notanothervictimofsaladforks.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC17 Aug 201417 Aug 201417 Aug 2015
908notaproblemconsulting.comCrazy Domains FZ-LLC18 Aug 201416 Aug 201718 Aug 2018
909notaria22ags.comNetwork Solutions, LLC18 Aug 201419 Jul 202318 Aug 2024
910notariacieza.comTucows Domains Inc.14 Aug 200925 Oct 202314 Aug 2023
911notaris-mardiana.comTucows Domains Inc.14 Aug 201318 Aug 201414 Aug 2015
912notarypro2go.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC17 Aug 201417 Aug 201417 Aug 2015
913notashamedofthenazarene.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC17 Aug 201417 Aug 201417 Aug 2016
914notariacabrera.infoGoDaddy.com, LLC12 Jun 201412 Jun 201512 Jun 2016
915notas-musicales.comArsys Internet, S.L. dba NICLINE.COM4 Oct 20205 May 20234 Oct 2024
916notariacabreraperu.infoGoDaddy.com, LLC12 Jun 201412 Jun 201512 Jun 2016
917nota9-5job.comWild West Domains, LLC14 Jun 201214 Jun 201514 Jun 2016
918notaroo.comGoogle, Inc.22 Jun 202024 Jun 202422 Jun 2025
919notaggaming.comGoDaddy.com, LLC14 Jun 200414 Jun 202414 Jun 2025
920notadopted.comWild West Domains, LLC13 Jun 201414 Jun 201513 Jun 2016
921notanordinaryfamily.comGoDaddy.com, LLC13 Jun 201214 Jun 201513 Jun 2016
922notaniceperson.com-7 Nov 20237 Nov 20237 Nov 2024
923notahorse.com1&1 Internet AG4 Jan 20165 Jan 20214 Jan 2025
924notarypro.meGoDaddy.com, LLC5 Apr 20166 Apr 20175 Apr 2018
925notafarmer.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC15 Jun 201127 Jun 201515 Jun 2016
926notafarm.comGoDaddy.com, LLC12 Sep 202312 Sep 202312 Sep 2025
927notaryschaepman.comGoDaddy.com, LLC24 May 201924 May 201924 May 2020
928notaryonwheels.bizGoogle, Inc.27 Dec 20225 Jun 202427 Dec 2024
929notaryonwheel.comGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Jul 202320 Jul 202419 Jul 2025
930notaboutfood.netGoDaddy.com, LLC5 Feb 200816 Jun 201516 Jun 2016
931notary24seven.comGoDaddy.com, LLC20 Aug 20151 Sep 201720 Aug 2018
932notaris-mayadewi.comKey-Systems GmbH6 Nov 20141 Sep 20236 Nov 2024
933notariasevilla.comCSL Computer Service Langenbach GmbH d/b/a joker.c…5 Nov 201426 Oct 20235 Nov 2024
934notariapublica76.comName.com, Inc.6 Nov 201418 Nov 20156 Nov 2016
935notariacarepa.comNameCheap, Inc.13 Nov 202014 Oct 202313 Nov 2024
936notarevolution.comDomain.com, LLC6 Nov 20146 Nov 20146 Nov 2016
937notarevolt.comDomain.com, LLC6 Nov 20146 Nov 20146 Nov 2016
938notapassenger.comGoDaddy.com, LLC6 Nov 20146 Nov 20166 Nov 2017
939notanothervoucher.comLaunchpad, Inc.5 Nov 20145 Nov 20145 Nov 2015
940notanothertalkshow.comWild West Domains, LLC5 Nov 201417 Nov 20235 Nov 2024
941notanotherdietbook.comFastDomain Inc.27 Aug 201527 Aug 201527 Aug 2016
942notandumbrands.comGoDaddy.com, LLC5 Nov 20145 Nov 20145 Nov 2016
943notalonetonight.comNameCheap, Inc.6 Mar 20246 Mar 20246 Mar 2025
944notaka.comAlpine Domains Inc.3 Nov 20146 Aug 20233 Nov 2025
945notagoodnegotiator.comMarcaria.com International, Inc.5 Nov 20145 Nov 20145 Nov 2015
946notaca.comPorkbun, LLC15 Feb 202415 Feb 202415 Feb 2025
947notattooplease.comGoDaddy.com, LLC16 Jun 201317 Jun 201516 Jun 2016
948notableautoinsurances.comeNom, Inc.18 Aug 201418 Aug 201418 Aug 2015
949notacoward.comPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com10 Mar 202410 Mar 202410 Mar 2025
950notafiscalourilandia.comUniverso Online S/A (UOL)18 Aug 201418 Aug 201418 Aug 2015
951notana.comGoDaddy.com, LLC18 Aug 201419 Aug 202318 Aug 2024
952notanlinesclub.comDNC Holdings, Inc.18 Aug 201418 Aug 201418 Aug 2015
953notanotheropportunity.comGoDaddy.com, LLC18 Aug 201418 Aug 201418 Aug 2015
954notantotherway.comeNom, Inc.19 Aug 201419 Aug 201419 Aug 2015
955notary24hours.comGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Aug 201419 Aug 202319 Aug 2024
956notaxbreaksnj.orgGMO Internet Inc.18 Aug 201418 Jun 201718 Aug 2018
957notaxbreaksny.orgPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com13 Nov 201513 Nov 201513 Nov 2016
958notallthetime.comGoDaddy.com, LLC18 Jun 200419 Jun 201518 Jun 2016
959notardeutschland.comWild West Domains, LLC18 Jun 201419 Jun 201518 Jun 2016
960notatravelblog.comNetwork Solutions, LLC4 Sep 20234 Sep 20234 Sep 2024
961notalkin.comBeijing Lanhai Jiye Technology Co., Ltd21 Sep 202222 Sep 202321 Sep 2024
962notaxesowed.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com27 Jan 201821 Jan 202127 Jan 2026
963notazon.comNameCheap, Inc.9 Oct 20199 Sep 20239 Oct 2024
964notamumblog.comGoDaddy.com, LLC20 Jun 201320 Jun 201520 Jun 2016
965notamomblog.comWix.com Ltd.2 Feb 202116 Feb 20242 Feb 2025
966notadoormat.comDreamHost, LLC19 Dec 201818 Nov 202319 Dec 2024
967notablegraphics.comTucows Domains Inc.16 Aug 200920 Aug 201416 Aug 2015
968notableother.comNetwork Solutions, LLC20 Aug 201420 Aug 201420 Aug 2015
969notaboutthemousetrap.comName.com, Inc.19 Aug 201428 Jul 201619 Aug 2017
970notafitnessguruorfanatic.comGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Aug 201419 Aug 201419 Aug 2015
971notaknife.comGoogle, Inc.8 Mar 20211 Jun 20248 Mar 2025
972notalonecoffee.comOnlineNIC, Inc.20 Aug 201420 Aug 201420 Aug 2015
973notamissedsteak.comregister.com, Inc.19 Aug 201419 Aug 201419 Aug 2015
974notapandgo.comGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Aug 201419 Aug 201419 Aug 2016
975notapngo.comGoDaddy.com, LLC19 Aug 201419 Aug 201419 Aug 2016
976notapositif.comeNom, Inc.10 Dec 202226 Dec 202210 Dec 2024
977notariainmigracion.comDomainPeople, Inc.19 Aug 201414 Aug 202319 Aug 2024
978notariapublica9.comPDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com18 Jul 202418 Jul 202418 Jul 2025
979notarisinhilversum.comHosting Concepts B.V. dba Openprovider19 Aug 20149 Oct 202219 Aug 2024
980notarynotarized.comGoogle, Inc.11 Jan 202118 May 202411 Jan 2025
981notaryproviders.comMarkMonitor Inc.19 Aug 201417 May 202419 Aug 2024
982notaspectatorsport.orgGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Nov 20145 Nov 20174 Nov 2018
983notaspectatorsport.netGoDaddy.com, LLC4 Nov 20144 Nov 20144 Nov 2015
984notaire-repentigny.neteNom, Inc.3 Nov 20143 Nov 20143 Nov 2015
985nota-paulistana.comTLD Registrar Solutions Ltd.14 Mar 201524 Jun 201514 Mar 2016
986notafreemason.comeNom, Inc.1 Oct 201530 Aug 20161 Oct 2017
987notanotherbikeshop.comeNom, Inc.24 Jun 201528 Jun 201724 Jun 2017
988notanotherspaday.comTucows Domains Inc.21 Jun 201025 Jun 201521 Jun 2016
989notaria81quito.comGoDaddy.com, LLC24 Jun 201517 Jun 202424 Jun 2025
990notatthatprice.comGoDaddy.com, LLC6 Nov 20147 Nov 20166 Nov 2017
991notasherpa.comWild West Domains, LLC6 Nov 20146 Nov 20146 Nov 2015
992notarylivescanservices.comGoDaddy.com, LLC7 Nov 201410 Nov 20237 Nov 2024
993notarisppat-indonesia.comCV. Jogjacamp7 Nov 20147 Nov 20147 Nov 2015
994notariesareus.comNameCheap, Inc.13 Oct 202224 Dec 202313 Oct 2023
995notaires-nimes.comGandi SAS6 Nov 20146 Nov 20236 Nov 2024
996notably-acquire.orgGMO Internet Inc.19 Aug 201419 Aug 201419 Aug 2015
997notairegatineau.comTurnCommerce, Inc. DBA NameBright.com7 Nov 20151 Nov 20207 Nov 2025
998notanksyesthanks.com-20 Aug 201420 Aug 201420 Aug 2017
999notanotherrelationshipbook.comNobel Networks20 Aug 201420 Aug 201420 Aug 2015
1000notanuber.comGoDaddy.com, LLC26 Nov 201726 Nov 202326 Nov 2025

Displaying 1,000 out of 74,969 domains starting with the keyword "NOTA". To see all the results, kindly use our Reverse WHOIS API.

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Reverse Whois API

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